Page 11 of Bittersweet Love
“Uh…we’re from Chicago, so not far.”
“Hmmm…” She looks back and forth between Vince and me before turning and beckoning us with her finger over her shoulder. “Shoes off at the door.”
“What? No thanks.” Vince immediately argues as he closes the door behind us.
“I don’t want you to track in anything from out there.” She points.
“You really care about dirt?” Vince scoffs, and I’ll admit even I’m surprised she’s concerned about that as I take in the small living space that I would not describe as clean.
“I care about you tracking in evil.”
Vince shoots me a look as I slide my heels off, wishing like hell I had worn socks because I’m not one hundred percent sure I won’t catch tetanus from the flooring. I watch as Vince pulls off his dress shoes and sits them neatly next to mine before pulling off his socks as well. I’m about to ask why he’s risking it when he hands them to me. I cock my head in shock, completely blown away by his gesture when he sighs. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“Your socks?” A smile pulls at the corner of my lips and he rolls his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re weird about feet when you were literally sucking my balls while I had my tongue in your ass last night,” he whispers.
My cheeks heat as he walks by me and towards a small table. I follow in tow after slipping his socks on, trying to ignore the blood singing in my veins after his comment. I sit next to him and watch as Scarlett moves around the room, collecting things off of shelves and setting them on the table. She stops and looks at me before pulling her glasses off and to the top of her head. “Anyone ever tell you, you look like that princess?” I nod, knowing who she means. “The one that married Princess Diana’s son. Shame what happened to that one.”
“Meghan Markle. Yes, I’ve heard it.”
“Spitting image.” She looks at Vince and shakes her head. “You look nothing like Harry though. This your beau?” She looks at me from over her glasses as she points at Vince.
I snap my head towards him and shake my head. “No, absolutely not.”
“Really?” She sits down across from us. “You sure?”
“I’m very sure.” I nod, and I feel my palms start to sweat at the idea of being questioned over my recent change in relationship with Vince.
“But you’ve had…relations. Recently?”
Fuck.“What? No…and that’s not why we’re here.” I tell her.
“You said you wanted me to read your palm and tell your fortune. That’s going to be all over there, sweetheart. Your aura gives you away.”
I hear a chuckle next to me and she frowns. “Yours does too, Casanova. You’ve been pining for this girl…sometimes you walk by her office just to catch a glimpse of her.”
He freezes in his seat and I note that he shifts almost nervously? “Joke’s on you, she doesn’t have an office.”
“Oh, I’m sorry…I don’t know the term for it. It’s a room, without four walls.” She closes her eyes as if she’s imagining it. “A ummm…like a cubby?”
“Cubicle,” I whisper and she points at me.
“That.” She closes her eyes again and holds her hand out towards Vince. “You left her flowers once…wait, no…a plant when hers died.”
“That was you?” I ask in shock. I had been a little negligent in watering and making sure it got any light besides the fluorescent lighting in my office.
“No.” He scoffs. “I mean…Jack’s assistant picked up an extra and I told her to give it to you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I bite my bottom lip as I hear the first nice thing, he’s ever done for me…last night aside.
“So, you could look at me like that? I know your friend Charlotte gave you that plant when you left Atlanta and you were sad when it died. Let’s not make it a thing.”
“You just broke up with someone.” She points at me and I snap my gaze away from Vince. “A guy that doesn’t live here…”
“So, what, that makes you a psychic? I just said she moved here from Atlanta,” Vince argues and she ignores him and continues to stare at me.
“It starts with an A?” She speaks and I gasp.