Page 22 of Bittersweet Love
“Too busy for pancakes? My mommy makes the best.” She points at her chest accompanied by a smile of pride.
He looks at me and I shake my head. There is no way I’m about to explain to my family why Vincent Maddox,who my sister is very familiar withhas stayed the night.
“Thank you so much for inviting me, but…I do have to work. Maybe some other time?”
She frowns, probably at being told no which is not a concept that she’s familiar with before looking up at me. “Do you work with Auntie Lo?”
“I sure do.”
“Oh! You’re a writer too?”
And here comes the Emma inquisition.
“I am.” He nods and I’ll admit watching him entertain my niece makes me warm in places I don’t want to admit.
“That’s so cool. I want to be a writer!”
“Okay, Em…” I grab her hand and pull her gently. “Time to go.”
“Okay wait wait wait, I have one more question!” She gives me a pleading look as she looks up at me.
“Okay, make it quick.”
“Are you the guy Auntie Lo says is hotter than sin?” She looks up at me. “Maybe you should get him some ice water?”
* * *
“Hotter than sin, huh?”Vince says as soon as I shut the door behind us. I had managed to sneak him out no more than five minutes after I’d ushered my niece out the door, and now we are outside in the freezing cold as we wait for his Uber.
I bite my bottom lip and narrow my eyes at him. “Fuck. Off.”
He takes a step towards me and presses me against the house, the cool bricks freezing my back.
“I tried to fuck you this morning…and last night, if I recall correctly, and with more than just my tongue.” His lips brush against mine and down my jawline to my neck. He pushes my coat open and presses his hand against my mound, cupping me over the thin pants covering my naked sex.
“Vince.” My eyes flutter closed as he puts pressure on my clit, stroking me gently. The heat from my pussy mixed with the cold wind whipping against my legs creates a dizzy feeling throughout my whole body and I’m resisting the urge to push him to the ground and rub myself against his cock until I come. I swallow hard and shake my head. “Your…Uber.” I point behind him as I notice the black Nissan pull to a stop in front of the house.
“I’ll see you Monday.” He grips my jaw, grabs my bottom lip between his teeth, and tugs hard. “Wear those sexy thigh highs of yours. I want to pull those off with my teeth while your cunt drips all over my desk.”
* * *
Against my better judgment,I do wear those thigh highs on Monday, along with a pair of black panties that leave nothing to the imagination. A sexy idea that I had not thought through because it isn’t doing much to mask the wetness between my legs that I’m dying for Vincent to lick up with that sinful mouth of his.
My boss, however, has other plans.
“This is great, you guys,” he says as he looks over the piece on Scarlett Stone. We’d done most of it virtually, sharing a Google Doc file, between intermittent sexting over the weekend, and had finished it up this morning over coffee and eye fucking.
I’m so wound up and ready to come. Now.
“Great,” I chirp, fully prepared to get up and leave when Jack looks at me curiously. “Two marriages?” We’d included bits and pieces of my reading and Vince thought it was imperative to include that.
I roll my eyes and try to avoid eye contact with the man sitting next to me. “Vince’s idea. Apparently, ‘it explains a lot.’”
“It’s cheeky and perfect for Twitter. Good work.” He sets the paper down. “Maybe I should have you guys work on things more often. Both of your voices come through loud and clear, kind of like a debate. It’s different. I like it.” He leans back in his chair and eyes us both over his lenses. “Would you be open to doing more together?”
I blink several times as if I’m trying to convince my brain that it isn’t an innuendo or a metaphor for doingittogether.
“Vince?” I risk a look, and it’s as if my body is set ablaze by the look he gives back. It’s hungry and a bit dangerous as he rakes his gaze from my feet to my eyes. I turn away instantly, to avoid being openly eye fucked in front of our boss.