Page 33 of Bittersweet Love
I take a sip of my drink and make the mistake of looking up at the exact moment Drew enters the room to find his eyes on me. I stiffen under his harsh gaze and I feel Vince’s hand wrap around my waist. “Relax, baby.”
“He’s pissed at me.”
“You expected that.” I’ve looked away but I can feel his eyes on me and Vince. “You okay?”
“It’s weird, right? I’m sorry I brought you into this.” There is a storm brewing and I can only hope that Vince and I don’t get caught in the wreckage.
“Hey, I brought myself into it, remember? It’s fine.” He runs his hand down my bare shoulder and pulls me into his arms before pressing a kiss behind my ear. “I’ve got you, remember?” I shiver in his arms and emboldened by the whiskey and maybe because I also want to show my ex I’ve moved on, I press my lips to his.
“Thank you.” I smile up at him when a deep voice interrupts us.
“Lauren Michaels.” I look to the right and spot Drew’s father staring at me over his drink, with an unlit cigar planted between his index and middle finger.
“Hi, J.R.” I make my way around the table to let him pull me into a hug. “How are you?”
“Can’t complain. How’s the Windy City?”
“Amazing. Best choice I could have made.” I watch him size up Vince before turning back to me. I’m wondering if he’s going to ask about the man who’s making his way to stand behind me when that storm shifts dramatically in my direction.
“J.R.” Drew Montgomery, who’s easily Vince’s height, with blonde hair and light eyes, slaps his father’s back and stares at me. “Lauren.”
“Hi, Drew.” I feel Vince behind me instantly, and I wonder if he’s feeling out the situation because he doesn’t touch me. I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed.
He takes a sip of his drink as his eyes flit from me to the man behind me. I can see he wants to say something, but he just shakes his head and turns to his dad. “Mom wants to talk to you.”
He nods at both of us before they make a swift, quiet exit that’s full of meaning. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding before I feel his hand at my back. “He wants you back.”
“What?” I spin around and look up at Vince. His blue eyes are intense but I see the vulnerability behind them as well. “I don’t want him back.”
“I didn’t say you did. I just know what it’s like to get dumped and have them come crawling back. It’s a heady, powerful feeling and it’s easy to get sucked back in even if it’s not what you want.”
I let his words soak in. He’s right; the idea of Drew wanting me back after he’d broken my heart and humiliated me by flaunting his new girlfriend all over Atlanta in front of our mutual friends does make me feel a bit lighter. But I don’t want him.
“I want you,” I tell him honestly. “Not him.”
His arm wraps around me as he drags his nose down my cheek. “You smell so fucking good.”
I giggle and we move back around the table to take our seats as I notice Will and Charley make their way to the center of the room with a microphone. Traditionally, the groom’s father makes a toast at the rehearsal dinner, but I’m sure Will and Charley shut the idea down of J.R. speaking publicly without a second thought.
Charley winks at me and gives me a tiny wave as she rocks Ana in her arms and lifts her tiny arm to wave at me. I wave back and I feel Vince’s hand trail up my thigh. “You want kids?”
I look to my left, which unfortunately is towards Drew who’s sitting at the opposite end of the table and I can sense his scowl directed at us. “Yes, one day.”
“All girls if Scarlett is correct?”
“I can’t believe Scarlett put that into the universe. Icannothave all girls. I’ll die. We’re a handful.” The idea of having all girls, with my sass and stubbornness has my anxiety rising by the second and simultaneously blessing the man that ends up being their father.
“If they’re all like you, I’d have to agree with that.” He chuckles. “They’d be gorgeous though.”
I’m about to respond when Will’s voice quiets the room. “On behalf of my future bride, our daughter, and myself, I’d like to thank each of you for joining us tonight and tomorrow as we celebrate our marriage. It hasn’t been the easiest journey to get here, but I’d like to think we are stronger for it. I’d like to thank Charlotte’s family for embracing me and her mother, Carla for taking me in like a son.”
“Yeah, her second one.” Drew snorts and I snap my eyes angrily to his brother. I don’t think many people heard it outside of our table, but I spy Charlotte flinch, so I’m fairly certain she did. I know Drew loves Charlotte, and there haven’t been any issues between them so I’m confused as to why he felt the need to make that comment. But my guess is he’s pissed at her for taking away his plus one and giving one to me.
“Wow.” Vince murmurs under his breath and I shake my head.
“Fucking asshole.”
Will, who didn’t seem to miss a beat, finishes his speech, gives a toast, kisses Charley and his daughter, and just when everyone turns to their meals he casually strolls to our table towards his brother and grips his shoulder. He lowers his face between him and another groomsman, and though I see the smile on his lips, I see the anger in his eyes, and then they’re on the move towards the door.