Page 32 of Love Unexpected
“Yes,” I tell her honestly. “But…not here. Not yet.”
“Where and…when?” She lifts an eyebrow at me as if to say,now is the perfect time.
“I want to take my time, Stassi. One step at a time,” I whisper. I’m breaking about a thousand rules right now, and though parts of it feel right, I don’t want to overwhelm myself or Stassi by going too fast.
“Okay.” She lets out a breath and looks around the room. She’s still seated on top of me and I wonder if she needs a break from the dizzying intimacy we’ve been engaged in. “In case it isn’t obvious…I want more.” Her lips part and a tiny gasp escapes her lips as she rubs herself against me.
“I don’t know that it can go past this weekend; you know, that right?”
She nods but I see the sadness in her eyes over the thought. “Our secret.”
I lift her chin and cock my head slowly to the side. “You’re sure about this? The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you. But you’re eighteen and you seem to be sure about what you want. You seem to be sure about taking this step with me.”
“I want it, Dominic,please.” She begs and cuddles against me rubbing her perfectly manicured hands over my chest. “I want you so bad I can’t take it.” She frowns and rolls her eyes.
“Why?” I ask her. If we were going to take this step, I want to know why all of a sudden she sees me differently. Why I’m no longer the man that drives her insane and who she drives equally insane. She’s spent the last eight or so years arguing with me about everything and now she wants me sexually? I’m struggling to wrap my brain around it just as I’m struggling to rationalize the choices I’m making as her stepfather.
“I don’t know, Dominic.” She bites her bottom lip and hops up from my lap. She knows this is an important conversation and not one that she can have in my lap. “I know this is wrong.”
“So, fucking wrong,” I add.
“But these last few months I’ve seen how well you take care of me, how much you love me. How you’ve put your feelings aside to helpmeheal.”
“But that doesn’t mean…”
“No, I didn’t say it did.” She points at me and begins to pace the room slowly. “But you make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” She stops and looks at me. “Safe, protected, loved…special…sexy…” She trails off. “You make me feel like a woman.” She moves back towards me and lets one strap of her dress slide down her arm revealing her entire shoulder. “You make me feel like you want me asyourwoman.”
I swallow at her words, hating that they affect me so much.What is she doing to me?“I’m not asking to date or for your hand in marriage, Dominic. I’m asking for one weekend and then we go back home and pretend none of this happened.” She bites her bottom lip and lets out a deep breath. “I’m a virgin and I just…I want my first time to mean something.”
Her words knock the wind out of me. I wasn’t sure she was sexually active, but she’d always had boys sniffing around her so I just assumed that she’d lost her virginity somewhere along the way. It isn’t like we had an open dialogue. I just assumed her mother handled that. The idea that I would be the first inside of her makes a feeling of possession shoot through me like a bolt of lightning.
I get up and make my way towards her, prepared to give in to whatever she wants when the universe decides to step in, in what I can only assume is some kind of warning.
She looks away from me towards the jarring noise from inside of her purse alerting her of a phone call. “It’s probably Trent. Let me just silence my phone.” She walks across the room and I drink her in from her feet to her eyes, memorizing every part of her. I’m so mesmerized by this goddess in front of me that I don’t realize she answers the phone. “Micah?”
Micah? The fuck?
“It’s so late…?” Immediately, I move towards her prepared to snatch the phone from her hand. The movement must catch her attention because she looks up at me and holds a hand up to keep me from coming closer. “Oh, I’m in South Carolina…at the beach?”
“What do you mean with who? With Dominic,” she answers like it’s the most obvious answer in the world, but I noticed a bit of hesitation before she said she’s here with me.
She frowns and looks at me and I can read her look instantly.Speakerphone. Now.I mouth at her. She shakes her head and before I can think I’ve taken the phone from her hand and hit the button to place it on speaker.
“I don’t trust that guy, Stassi. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Rage flares in my veins and if it weren’t for Stassi grabbing my hand and running her fingertips up my arm, I would have ripped this asshole a new one. “I’m fine, Micah. Dominic is the most trustworthy man I know.” She looks up at me, her eyes bright and innocent and a feeling of guilt floods me.Fuck.
“He just seems very…intense about you. Like how a boyfriend would feel about his girlfriend.”Fuck. I know I was a little over the top at graduation but I didn’t think it was that obvious. But maybe just to an outsider who didn’t know us very well. I know Stassi’s grandparents don’t see it that way. At least, I fucking hope they don’t.
“That’s absurd, Micah. You don’t know him or me for that matter and my mother,his wife,just died. He’s just overprotective.”
“I don’t think that’s it and I don’t love the idea of you being alone with him on some fucking vacation, Stassi.”I’m fed the fuck up with this guy. He actually thinks he has any fucking say when it came to Stassi? Even if she wasn’t eighteen and could make her own decisions. He’s so delusional, I’d think it was comical if he didn’t piss me off so much.
“Well, it’s a good thing that what you do or do not love doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m eighteen and you don’t exactly get a say just because you’re jealous of his role in my life.” She looks up at me and then down at the phone. “Micah, we can talk when I get back.”
“Wait, Stassi,” he pleads.
“Goodbye, Micah.” She hangs up and immediately puts her phone on silent before tossing it back in her purse and turning back to me. “I’m sorry I answered.”