Page 72 of Love Unexpected
His words are hateful but some of them ring true. I am just as shitty as Micah says I am. And what’s worse is I’ve been faulting Micah for his shortcomings. Pointing a finger at him for mistakes he’s made when I’m doing things perhaps far worse and more damaging to Stassi. I’m the father she never had and then what seemed like overnight, I became the only man she wanted.
“You need to give Stassi a shot at a normal life. Being with her stepfather is just going to make her a joke. A stigma. The taboo story that her friends will share like urban legends. I don’t care if you love her. But if you do, you won’t let her continue down this road. She deserves better.”
“Don’t talk to me about what Stassia deserves, Micah. I’d give her the fucking world and she knows that.”
“It means something different when you’re talking about the woman who sucks your dick, Dominic.” He takes a few steps back. “Move the fuck out if you don’t want to ask her to leave, but the days of you under the same roof are fucking over. If you’re not out by tonight, I’m releasing these photos.”
“Tonight? Are you insane? How the hell am I going to talk to her.”
“I wouldn’t suggest telling her about our little talk, because I’ll only deny it and by that point, she’ll think you’re just ending it because you want out. Because she’s a silly little girl and you’re a fucking man. How could she make you happy?”
This man is pure fucking evil and if Stassi and I ever get out of this mess, I am taking us as far the fuck away from him as possible. “She would never believe that. She’d never believe you over me. I’ve never lied to her.”
“Fine. Risk it then. Do what you need to do, Callahan. Just know the clock is ticking. You don’t get to be Stassi’s father and her lover, Dominic.” He reaches for the door. I want to literally throw him out of here, but I don’t think I want to add any more things he can use against me with his so-called police buddies.
But fuck him if he thinks I won’t stick up for my girl. Even if she may not be for much longer.“I don’t want to be her father at this point, but it sure as fuck can’t be you either. You’ve lost any chance of that by doing this to her.”
“If she sees this as me doing her a disservice then she’s as naive as I thought. This is me protecting her, Dominic. If you weren’t thinking with your dick, you’d see that.” He storms out, slamming my door behind him and the whole house rattles under the force.
His words swirl around me and as much as I want to hate him, and my God I really do, he is right in some ways.
No, Stassia was right in that you two just need to fall off the face of the Earth and resurface somewhere no one knows your story. No one will know.
Stassia even pushed to transfer schools so that we could start somewhere new, but I didn’t want her to change all of her plans for me. I wanted her to thrive in the environment she wanted and if I had to cheer her on differently in public than I did in private, I was okay with that.
She won’t thrive here if those pictures get out though, and now look at the mess you’re in.
I’m practically skipping into the house after having gotten Dominic’s text message toget home as soon as I could.I know I’m in for several orgasms, since I spent the night at Kate’s last night and not with Dominic’s cock inside of me. “Baby!” I call out as I run into the house. But I stop in my tracks when I notice the suitcases by the foyer.
Oh! We’re going somewhere?
I run up the stairs. “Dominic, where are we—” I start when I see him sitting in my bedroom on my bed staring at the floor. “Going?” I stop and cock my head to the side. “Hey, what’s going on? Why the long face?” I go to sit in his lap, which has become my usual seat if he and I are in the same room but he doesn’t let me.
“I can’t, if you’re sitting on my lap, Stassi.” He tells me as he holds his arms up to prevent me from coming any closer.
He swallows and pats the seat next to him. I take the seat and look up at the man I’ve come to love in such a short period of time, but in the same breath have loved in some capacity for most of my life. “Baby, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” I rub the back of his neck and lean against him. “We can fix it, whatever it is.”
“No, Stassia. We can’t. Not this. And I’m so sorry, I fucked this up so bad. I…I ruined everything.”
“I don’t know how I thought this could work.”
Fear grips my heart.He can’t mean…there’s no way.“Can you clarify what you mean?”
“You and me, Stassi. How the hell did I think this could work?” He stands up and looks at me. “I’m your fucking stepfather!”
My mouth drops open. “Yes, but we’re fine. No one knows.” I’ve learned to read him so well and I can see he’s scared more than he’s angry, but what I’m not sure of is why.
Stay calm, Stassi.
“That we know of!”
“Okay…I’m not sure what to say to that. So, we’re worried about potential people finding out about us?”
“How are we going to tell your grandparents, huh? HOW?”