Page 77 of Love Unexpected
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s my home.”
“Yeah, Micah, I know you’re familiar so let’s just get all the intros out of the way.” She rubs my chest and leans in to wrap her arms around me when I stand up. “You remember Dominic? My boyfriend?”
“What did I say I would do if—”
“Blackmail, right? Adding that to your already pretty long list, huh? Extortion, bribery, embezzlement, murder, prostitution, assault with a deadly weapon, my God, and all the drug charges.” She continues to list off his crimes. “You know the detective that’s been after you for years certainly had a lot to say when she showed up here curious about my connection to you. I wonder if she knows the dirty cops you have on your payroll that allow you to hide in plain sight? Anyway, imagine my shock, when I realized that she was talking about my dear sweet birth father that I’d just reconnected with?” She puts a hand over her chest. “The horror!”
“Anywho, she left me her card in case anything came to memory…and of course, I can either be forgetful…or…I can remember a lot. Especially about those apartment buildings you were trying to move me into. What’s going on with those, huh? Fronts for any number of illegal operations?” My girl is on a roll and I’m honestly impressed with how much homework she’d done on this asshole.
His nostrils flare as he looks between us. “You’re both disgusting.”
“In comparison to everything you’ve probably done; I’d say that’s a false assessment.”
“I’ve never fucked anyone in my family,” he snarls.
“No, but you’ve probably killed a few of them, no?” Stassi snaps and cocks her head to the side. “You know, I’m sure they could find a lot of the weapons for a lot of crimes if they just knew where to look.” She taps her chin.
“You want the pictures? Fine, fucking take them.”
“All of them,” Stassi demands.
“Any copies too,” I interject.
“And I don’t ever want to hear from you again,” Stassi says. “Stay the fuck away from me and out of my life, forever.”
“And if you come near my girl again, you’ll answer to me and you won’t be able to scare me off,” I tell him as I take a step closer to him. “You come near her again,” I whisper. “I will kill you and I don’t need to be in the mob to get that job done, motherfucker. Do not mess with me.”
Stassi grabs me by the elbow and pulls me back towards her and away from the man that I’ve seriously considered punching for the last five minutes. “I want to live in peace, Micah. Just…let us. I love him. Maybe you don’t get it and that’s totally fine, a part of me doesn’t get it either. But I just want to be free to be with the man I love. Please, Micah. In eighteen years, I’ve never asked you for anything. You’ve never done anything for me. I’m asking that you just give me this. Just…let me be happy.”
The look he shoots me is one of pure evil, though the look he gives Stassi is significantly softer. He pulls a thumb drive out of his pocket and slides it into Stassia’s outstretched hand.
“This thumb drive has the only copies.”
“It’s not on a computer anywhere?”
“We change our computers out so frequently nothing is stored on there,” he says and Stassia narrows her eyes as if she doesn’t believe him. “I won’t Stassi. I don’t like it. As a matter of fact, I hate it, and I think you’re pretty abhorrent for this,” he says pointing at me. “But I can’t stop you. I have too much left to do to go to prison.” He looks at Stassi. “Don’t go to the cops. There’s more that even they don’t know…” he starts.
“Well, then we have an understanding. You don’t know anything about us, we don’t know anything about you.” She sticks her hand out and although I don’t want her touching him, I know Micah comes from a line of a handshake meaning almost as much as your word.
“Have a nice life, Stassia Vale.” He looks at me and shakes his head. “Get her out of Maryland. Somewhere no one knows either of you,” he says as he makes his way towards the door.
“The second I have a ring on her finger, we’re out of here and not a minute later,” I say and Stassi’s mouth drops open. Micah shakes his head and closes the door behind him hopefully forever.
“Me? You want to marry…me?”
“If you’ll have me.”
“Forever,” she tells me before she presses her lips to mine.
Five Years Later
“And just what do you think you’re doing, Mrs. Callahan?” I hear from behind me as hands wrap around my swollen belly and then I’m lifted off the small stool. I’m trying to put something away in our newly decorated nursery as we prepare for our first baby. I’m eight months along and Dominic and I are beyond excited to meet our baby boy.
“I am trying to clean!”
“And we agreed that I would put away anything that is above your eye level, if I recall correctly.”
I roll my eyes. “Sorry, Daddy,” I sass and cock my head to the side.