Page 11 of Always Been You
“And I already said to take your shitty mood and leave me be, I just finished my first semester of college today; I’d like to be happy if you don’t mind.”
He lets out another sigh and I hear him say thank you and then the sound of a door closing. I roll my eyes knowing that means he’s in the building now. Even though, simultaneously my heart is racing with excitement that he’s here. “I know and I’m sorry.” I hear shuffling outside of my door and then a knock. “Please just let me in.”
I swallow. “Why are you being like this?”
“It’s nothing you did, Gab. I promise.” I lean against my desk staring at the door. “Please?”
I move towards the door and open it slowly, standing in the way of the door so that he can’t come in yet. “Say you’re sorry.”
A smile pulls at his lips and he reaches up to rub my cheek gently. I’m glad I’m wearing a sweatshirt because the goosebumps are covering my arms at his gentle touch. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “You’re the only person I never take my shit out on and I fucked up by doing so.”
I take a step back and let him move into the room and shut the door behind him. “What’s going on, J?”
“I…” He rubs the back of his neck. “You want to get drunk?”
“Yes please, but that won’t solve your issues, and it will probably make it worse.”
“Something fell through at work and it was a shitstorm today, I just want to go to my apartment and forget about this shitty day and get drunk with you.”
The thought that my presence could help raise his spirits makes me feel slightly better. “Do you want to go out?”
“Come on, I have a fake. It might make you feel better.” I pull my coat on and pull my hair out and over one shoulder.
“You know I hate when you use that,” he grumbles as he slings my duffle bag over his shoulder and slides up the handle of my roller suitcase. “It’s fine, I don’t want to have to worry about keeping you out of trouble or assholes from hitting on you.”
My eyebrows furrow slightly. “Why’s it a big deal if anyone hits on me? I’m eighteen, James.” He doesn’t need to know that I wouldn’t entertain anyone hitting on me anyway.
“I am well aware of that,” he says somewhat under his breath and moves towards the door. “Can we go?”
I’m just about to respond when Harper comes skipping through the door. “Oh, thank God, I didn’t miss you!” Her blonde curly hair bounces as she runs towards me and she squeals before launching herself into my arms. “Mwah.” She kisses my cheek. “Have a great holiday and text me every day.”
I laugh at her infectious energy even though I know she’s hungover. Movement in my periphery draws her attention to my brother and her blue eyes widen. “Oh hey, James!” Her voice squeaks slightly and I smile at her perpetual nervousness around my brother.
“Hey, Harper, how you feeling?” He gives her a knowing smile and she rolls her eyes.
“Fine and dandy! They say the cure to a hangover is being under twenty-five. Sorry, old man,” she jokes back, and the flirtiness in her voice kind of irritates me. It shouldn’t. Also, I’m like ninety-nine percent sure James has zero interest in Harper.
“Ha-ha. Well, I hope you have a great Christmas. Gab, we should go.”
“You too,” she sings, drawing out the o’s. “Love you, mean it,” she says as she turns towards me.
“Love you, mean it, Harp.”
Two shots of Jameson later and James and I are sitting on the floor in front of his fireplace with a pizza between us. The television is playing Home Alone, one of our favorite holiday movies, but we turned it all the way down so we can talk. The snow is still flurrying through the air but it isn’t sticking too aggressively and we’ve already received strict instructions from Dad to leave no later than ten tomorrow morning. The fire, the alcohol, the Christmas feels, it all feels so romantic and I have to actively remind myself that this is not a date.
“Ready for another?”
I nod, knowing that I’m feeling it but also that this is the same guy that taught me how to take shots on my sixteenth birthday, so I’m not that much of a lightweight.
“I love that you can drink.” He chuckles. “Warms my heart.”
“I bet it does.” I laugh remembering my birthday. “You were the first person to ever get me drunk.” He had come home for the night just for my birthday and after Mom, Dad and Monica went to bed we stayed up watching movies which led to him getting me drunk for the first time.
“I remember it so vividly, you were hilarious,” he says as he pours us another shot.
“And we vowed to never talk about it.” I shake my head. I remember next to nothing about that night except for telling James a million times that I loved him. Thank God, I didn’t say anything more than that.