Page 60 of Always Been You
“Of course,” he taps my nose, “you won’t be able to hide that you’re seeing someone if you go missing for Valentine’s Day weekend.”
“I’ll figure it out,” I tell him as the lights start to lower and the music starts to pick up with the sounds of Rihanna. The alcohol mixing with my hormones has me feeling reckless and I’m just about to pull him to the center of the room to grind on him when a voice interrupts my thoughts.
“Gabrielle?” I turn my head to see Miles Carson with a huge smile on his face holding a drink in his hand. He looks a little more muscular than he did last semester, probably because he’s been living in the gym for basketball season. “I can’t believe my luck; I was just thinking about you.” He smiles as he infiltrates the bubble that James and I created. I can feel the annoyance radiating off of James instantly and I wince thinking about the last time these two were around each other. “And the brother, right?”
“James.” I tell him his name, to avoid agreeing that he’s my brother and he nods.
“Right. So how you been? I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of bummed that we don’t have a class together this semester.” I’m standing closer to James so I can feel his tension. I need to figure out how to get rid of Miles before alcohol and his need to finish what we started earlier cause James to snap. I don’t even know how to respond to his comment and he must feel the awkwardness so he continues. “You want to dance?”
“Ummm…” I start and my greatest fear in this moment manifests when James speaks up.
“She doesn’t,” James interjects, pulling me closer to him by the back of my dress. I can feel his hand at my back, holding the fabric in his hand so I can’t move and as much as it turns me on, I have to appear unaffected.
“Miles, it was really good seeing you.” I nod, trying my best to appear like everything is fine and it’s just not a good time.
“Dude, chill, it’s just a dance.” He chuckles before looking down at me. “How about it, Gab? I swear I don’t bite.”
How in the fuck am I supposed to get out of this?
Although I don’t think God is really happy with me these days with the whole sleeping with my brother thing, he seems to be looking out for me because a basketball team groupie with bright red curls comes bouncing over and links her arm with Miles.
“Miles, we’re going to a new bar, this one is tired. Let’s go!” I swear, I’ve never been so happy to see someone I don’t know. She grabs his hand and laces their fingers and I’m wondering if it’s a show for me or if maybe they really are a thing which makes me wonder why he’s over here flirting with me.
He lets go of her hand and I feel the second-hand embarrassment for her as he leans down. “It was great to see you, Gab. Hope to see you soon,” he says in my ear before he kisses my cheek and then he’s gone leaving me with James who’s like a volcano about to erupt.
“Baby—” I start before I’m backed against a wall and he’s staring down at me. My eyes widen out of worry as I try to peer around him to make sure that Miles is gone.
“He kissed you.” His voice is low and gravelly and I can feel the heat and intensity of his words between my legs.
“On the cheek.”
“I don’t give a fuck; I want to break his face for thinking he could even touch you. I thought you didn’t know him like that?” My lips tick downwards thinking that James could possibly think I’m lying to him about my friendship with Miles.
“I don’t. I’ve never lied to you about anything. I…I think he’s just drunk and he thought he was being polite. Dad’s friends give me a kiss on the cheek when they see me. A kiss on the cheek is harmless, but I promise, he’s never been affectionate with me.” I can tell he’s gritting his teeth so I reach up and rub his face. “Relax. That’s nothing. You’re acting like he licked my whole face.”
“How would you feel if the situation was reversed, Gab?” His face is close to mine and I can see the anger in his blue eyes.
“Like shit, but you’re more mature than I am,” I say, somewhat joking. “Can you see this for what it is, please? A kiss on the cheek is like the least sexy thing on the planet, at least for me.” I bite my lip for emphasis. “Unless of course, it’s from you.”
He cocks his head to the side and I see the anger starting to leave him slowly. “Come dance with me.”
“Yes, please,” I tell him with a grin as we move into the center of the room amongst the throng of people grinding. The last song ends and I hear the deejay mention something along the lines of slowing it down for all the lovers in the room as the sounds of Drunk in Love begin to blare through the speakers. His hands find my hips, gripping me hard and I move my ass slowly in time with the sensual beat grinding against him. Remember that your friends are here somewhere, my subconscious whispers but I’m too far gone as the alcohol, the music, and James’ touch take over my brain. My eyes flutter closed as I reach up and rub my fingertips down the back of his neck. His dick is pressing against me and I bend over so my ass is perfectly aligned with his pelvis and I grind even harder against him before standing back up. My eyes open when his stubble rubs against my neck and a moan escapes me as he rubs his hard cock against me. His lips drag down my neck just as his hands briefly graze my tits before finding my hips again. My nipples pucker at the brief touch of his hands and I squeeze my legs together at the thought of them pebbling against his tongue.
“I know you probably think I’m behaving like a psychopath, and trust me I think I am too.” He bites down on my neck. “But it’s only because I’m so fucking in love with you,” he whispers in my ear and it takes everything in me not to push him to the ground and rub against him until we both come.
I turn around to face him. “I am too.” I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and press myself against him. “I get so wrapped up in you. Even now,” I whisper, “my friends could be anywhere and all I see is you.”
His hand reaches up brushing a hair from my face and he lets it drag down to my neck and between my breasts. “You are so beautiful. Every inch of you is a work of art.”
Butterflies erupt in my stomach and my heart flutters in my chest at his profoundly romantic words. “Take me home?”
“Gladly.” He grabs my hand and we begin weaving our way through the crowd and towards the entrance. We’re back in the front bar when familiar faces come into view. I immediately drop James’ hand as Luna and Aubrey make their way towards us.
“BITCH! Where’ve you been?” Aubrey slurs and I’m grateful that she seems very intoxicated.
“Where’s Harper?” I ask, curious about my roommate and more importantly if she’s safe.
“In a corner fucking his hot friend, probably,” Luna says pointing at James. “He’s hot, you’re hot,” she points at James again. “I know I’m fucking hot. We should totally have a hot party. Or shots! Hot people shots,” she exclaims and I roll my eyes at her drunken state.