Page 29 of Monster's Bride
It seems like a no brainer to me.
“Yes. We have a deal,” I agree. “But if you break your word, I’ll cut off your balls and wear them home as a party hat.”
He roars with laughter, drawing the attention of several couples nearby, and even though I’m perfectly serious, I grin. The less serious he thinks I am, the more of an advantage I’ll have if that time comes. I can already imagine Lizette crafting me a strap to attach them to that’ll go perfectly with one of my dresses.
Nor doesn’t attempt much conversation for the rest of the ball, but he also refuses to let me dance with any other noblemen. We dance until I’m gasping and begging for a break, but as soon as someone new approaches the high table, he’s back on his feet with an unamused look on his face and dragging me toward the floor. I know it’s not because he enjoys my company. He’s made that much clear. I assume he’s making a valiant effort to start our truce on a good foot or he’s avoiding talking to his brother again.
He probably doesn’t want any more sense talked into him.
After several hours—there’s no telling how long we’ve been dancing—the guests begin to trickle out of the hall. Couple by couple, they wave and bow goodbye before slipping through the double doors, which have been propped open to let in cooler air from the vacant corridor, and my stomach knots tighter as the crowd dissipates.
Any minute now, it’ll be time to head to bed.
By bed, I mean Nor’s bed. There’s no telling when I’ll actually get to see mine.
I imagine myself climbing some grand staircase and making my way to Nor’s room where he’ll rip off my dress and do unfathomable things to me, and my pulse accelerates. They’re unfathomable only because I don’t know how minotaurs get down and dirty, but I’m hoping it’s the same way as humans. Otherwise, I’ll have to adapt and learn quickly, the way I’ve been doing all night, and I’m not sure I have the energy in me today.
Today feels like the longest day of my life, and I can hardly believe I was getting dressed in my bed chamber at home in Hyatt this morning. It feels like days have passed since then.
What scares me the most about getting railed by a minotaur is the fact that it’s Nor. If it was any of the noblemen I danced with tonight, who were happy to be in my company, I might not be afraid, but knowing the temper that lurks inside him and the contempt he already holds for me makes it frightening. What if I do something to anger him and he puts me through a wall? What if he’s too rough and injures me?
I attempt to swallow my worries as I wave goodbye to another couple near the door, but they get stuck in my throat in a lump. My skin crawls with anxiety, and I feel the tendrils of a panic attack swirling their way around me.
Will I even make it through the night?
Will I make it through the next ten minutes without a breakdown?
Nor seems to sense my distress, because he takes my hands and pulls me toward the door.
“Why don’t we get you some air?” he asks, fake concern in his eyes. It could be real, but I’m finding it hard to believe he’s capable of caring about me at all.
I nod, the knot in my throat preventing me from answering, and we follow the departing guests into the hall. The cooler air wipes relief over my blazing cheeks, and I follow alongside Nor as he leads the way.
The Ulleh castle is a labyrinth of beautifully dark hallways, and I have no idea where I am or where we’re headed. He could be taking me to his bedroom or the dungeons for all I know, although I might feel a little more comfortable in the dungeons at this point. I’m inclined to ask to soothe my nerves, but I keep quiet as we walk several feet behind a pair of guests.
“Do you see that door?” Nor asks as we pass a glossy black door on the right. An elaborate scene of a minotaur spearing its horn into the chest of a centaur is embossed on it in gold, and despite the horrific subject matter, I can appreciate its beauty.
“Obviously,” I say, forcing a half-smile. “It’s ten times my size. How could I miss it?”
He smirks at the joke, which alleviates a tiny bit of the tension gripping me, before jumping into an explanation. “That’s a picture of Skoll the Great fighting to claim this land for the minotaurs. You’ll find a lot of our kingdom’s history etched into the walls of the castle. We like to honor and remember those who came before us.”
My eyes linger on the image until I’m craning my neck to see it, and then I turn my attention ahead once more. “That’s interesting. Most of our history is written in journals. We have a few paintings, but not many.”
I wonder briefly why he’s attempting small talk after being so distant all evening, and a thought strikes me.
“Are you looking forward to having your image up there one day?”
He teeters his head back and forth, his lips pressed firmly together, and shrugs. “Yes and no. I do want to be a powerful leader revered by his kingdom, but sometimes, the castle artists get a little carried away.”
I try not to be interested and let the conversation die, but I can’t. I’m too invested. Too nosey for my own good. “Oh? How so?”
Nor checks over his shoulder and slows his steps to increase the distance between us and the other minotaur couple. “My parents had a piece commissioned a while back from a newer artist. It was good—impressive even—except he made my mother look fat.”
A tiny gasp escapes my lips as I imagine a furious Torria having the painter dragged out of the castle. I don’t know why the image comes to mind, but it’s something I can see her doing.