Page 42 of Monster's Bride
Still under the guise of being ill, I take dinner in my room as well. It’s a hearty soup with plenty of meat and vegetables that warms me down to my bones, and I have to stop myself before I pop out of my corset.
“The food here is so good,” I whine, rubbing a hand over my belly.
“It is,” she agrees as she collects the dishes. “Do you want me to help you change before I go?”
The thought of getting completely undressed and into another outfit when I’m so uncomfortably full sounds like a terrible idea. “Can you just undo the back of my dress? I’ll change in a bit.”
She obliges, swiftly loosening the laces, and I’m able to breathe easier.
“That’s so much better,” I sigh, flopping back onto my bed. “Thank you, Liz.”
“Of course. Do you need anything else before I go?”
When nothing comes to mind, I shake my head.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then. Goodnight.” She bows herself out of the room with the tray, and I’m alone again.
* * *
I don’t know how much time passes as I lay staring at the ceiling, but I’m so engrossed in my thoughts that I don’t hear the first set of knocks on the door. I’ve been steadily churning through every detail I can recall from the last two weeks, focusing hard on what I want to remember forever and trying desperately to erase what I’d rather forget. It isn’t until the second, louder set of knocks echoes through the room that I realize there’s someone at the door.
I jerk upright, my eyes darting across the room. Who could possibly be visiting at this hour? Who would possibly want to visit me at all?
“Coming,” I call, finding my voice.
I forgot about my undone corset, and my dress nearly slips to the floor as I get to my feet. I quickly clutch the fabric to my chest to keep it in place. I contemplate rummaging through the wardrobe and changing, but a third set of knocks wipes that thought away. I doubt whoever is on the other side of the door has patience for an outfit change.
“I said I’m coming!” I yell as I scurry across the room to the door.
Every possibility flies through my mind in an instant. Is it the queen coming to check on me? Is it the king telling me to pack my bags and leave? Is it one of the princesses coming to find something to gossip about? Is it Zen coming for my soul?
I wrench the door open, and my jaw falls slack when I see the least likely person waiting for me, fist poised and ready to knock a fourth time.
“If you took much longer, I would have kicked the door in,” Nor says, his fist dropping to his side.
For a moment, I’m too shocked to speak, and I merely stare up into his narrowed amber eyes while I process. His form takes up the entirety of the doorway, and he’s wearing jeans with a dark red shirt stretched tight over his muscular torso. Admittedly, he looks like a cocky asshole trying to get attention.
It’s working. I can’t take my eyes off him.
He huffs through his nostrils, the warm air hitting me in the face like harsh reality, and suddenly, my defenses are up. My anger comes in a wave, starting in the heat of my cheeks and crashing through the rest of my body. How can he pretend I don’t exist in front of everyone, then show up to my room like nothing happened? How dare he make a truce, an alliance, then treat me like I’m nothing? How dare he be here right now?
“It was unlocked if you were that desperate,” I snip, crossing my arms tighter over my chest.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He raises one shoulder lazily in a shrug.
I ignore his question because I’m hardly in a playful mood. “What do you want, Nor?”
He shifts, leaning against the doorframe with his shoulder, and cocks his head to the side, his horn narrowly missing the wood. I can tell he’s studying me, searching for something based on the intensity of his gaze, but I wait for his answer before jumping to conclusions.
“I was told you were sick, so I came to check on you,” he says, his voice heavy with contempt. “But you seem to be perfectly insufferable like normal.”
My stomach cartwheels, but I fight to keep the steady expression on my face. Nor made me forget about the lie that got me out of mealtime, and while I could still try to fake it, I know there’s probably no use. He’s seen enough to know that I feel fine, which only infuriates me more.
“I hardly need reminding how hard I am to be around, Nor. You did an excellent job of showing everyone this morning,” I snap. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m getting ready for bed.”
I shove the door closed as hard as I can, but in a blur, he grabs the edge of the wood to prevent it from shutting. Determined not to let him win, I throw my weight against it and push as hard as I can, but it doesn’t budge.
“Go away,” I demand, my pulse picking up speed as I grit my teeth.