Page 65 of Monster's Bride
“Darsan!” I scream, my heart lurching painfully in my chest.
Everything around me fades to nothing as I stare at him, horrified at the sight before me. Regardless of how our last conversation went, I never would have wished anything like this on him. My heart hurts as I watch him struggle to move, but at least he’s alive. For now.
My eyes dart back to the other soldier, and after staring at him for several seconds, his face finally emerges in my memories.
It’s Sedric.
“What happened to them?” I ask breathlessly, without tearing my eyes away. My grip on the cell bars tightens until my knuckles are pale white. “What are they doing in here?”
“They were caught trying to sneak into the castle,” King Rukkus’s voice is flat and unsympathetic. “We don’t know why they came, but there were five of them. The other three were killed in the confrontation.”
My knees buckle, but thankfully, my hold on the bars keeps me upright. This feels like a terrible dream, but I know by the excruciating pain in my chest that it’s all too real. My thoughts are spinning, colliding with one another, as I try to understand. Why would they try and sneak into the castle?
I can’t even focus on my burning questions, because the desire to rip open the cell door and rush to Darsan’s aid is overwhelming. Regardless of what we once were, he is part of my home. Both these men are part of my people, the reason I came here in the first place.
“King Rukkus,” I say, turning to face the group of minotaurs eyeing me intently. I’d almost forgotten they were all standing there in the silence. The words fly out of my mouth before I can give them much thought to their eloquence. “I don’t know what they had planned, but I promise these men meant no ill will toward your kingdom. Please, let me tend to them and assess their wounds.”
Please let me save them.
“These men have committed a heinous crime against the crown,” the king says, his booming voice deafening in the small space. “Who’s to say they aren’t the ones responsible for poisoning my servants?”
I should probably stand down and refrain from angering the king, but I can’t help it. His tone takes me straight back to Hyatt when my father used to speak to me the same way—demanding, condescending—and I can’t restrain the flame that burns up my throat and fuels my reply.
“I do,” I say, meeting his gaze. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I’d be soiling my clothes at the way his expression hardens, but I stand my ground. “These men are my people. Your allies. I would fight for them, and I will die for them if I’m wrong.”
It’s risky, considering I don’t actually know why Darsan and a group of soldiers were here, but I’m willing to take my chances. The only thing that matters to me in this moment is getting inside the cell and treating their wounds in the hopes of saving them. I’m already worried that Sedric won’t make it if we waste too much more time.
“Please,” I repeat when the king says nothing. “Let me tend to them. You can interrogate them later if you want, but you can’t question dead prisoners. Let me prove to you the integrity of my people.”
My gaze shifts to Nor, who looks borderline murderous until our eyes meet. His features soften. If he’s able to sense my emotions as he claims, he has to realize my desperation.
“Please,” I mutter, starting to lose hope.
The thought of watching either man take their last breath has the corners of my eyes stinging. It’s not supposed to be like this. Nothing was supposed to happen this way. How is it that after sacrificing everything, I’m still losing?
“Father, I take responsibility for these men.” Nor’s voice cuts through the silence, and he stands straighter to address the king. “If my mate vouches for their innocence, then I am willing to vouch for them as well. Let her keep them alive long enough for us to question them, and then we can revisit their sentence.”
I exhale a shaky breath as his words sink in, and I look timidly in King Rukkus’ direction. He strokes his chin between his fingers, contemplating Darsan’s fate. After what feels like an eternity, he nods.
“Very well.” He nods to one of the guards who produces a set of thick, metal keys and steps toward the cell. Before I can appreciate the relief, the king meets my gaze, and his voice drops to a sinister tone. “But if you’re wrong, you’ve resigned yourself to the same fate that awaits them. Are we clear?”
With my throat impossibly dry, I nod once, and with a swish of his cloak, the king storms past us toward the exit.
As the guard unlocks the cell door behind me, I look to Nor, whose expression is hard to read. Is he angry at me? Disgruntled at having to step in to sway his father’s decision? The only thing I’m certain of is how eternally grateful I am for him.
“Thank you,” I say breathily, knowing the words aren’t enough to express my gratitude. I doubt anything ever can.
“You’re welcome.” His eyes flick briefly to the cell behind me, before shifting back to catch mine. “You’d better be right about them. I won’t be able to save you again.”
“I know I’m right,” I assure him. “Can you please send for Lizette? Ask her to bring supplies for treatment.”
He pauses before agreeing reluctantly, and I turn on my heel to rush into the cell. It’s an empty space with three stone walls, a barred door, and a dirty floor. Not the ideal place to take care of an injured patient, but it’ll have to do. I sink to my knees at Darsan’s side and press two fingers to the side of his throat. He’s gone still, but his heart is still beating. After a few seconds, his chest rises and falls too, so I know he’s breathing.
A quick glance at Sedric tells me he’s still breathing as well, which adds to my sense of relief. They’re both alive. I can do this.
I can save them.
I’ve had practice tending to minor injuries over the years, like scrapes and broken toes, but never anything this severe. I’m not even sure if Lizette has experience tending to wounds like these, but I’m sure she knows about preventing infection and proper dressings. With her help, I know we can figure it out.