Page 78 of Monster's Bride
Oryx slaps a hand on my back and shoves me forward before I process what’s happening, and I approach the throne. My father beckons to me, waving me closer until I’m kneeling next to him.
“Yes, Father,” I say, blood throbbing through my veins like the steady beat of a drum.
“Your time to rule is approaching,” he starts. “One day these situations will fall to you, and you must know how to handle them. What are your thoughts?”
I gape at him, entirely thrown off by the question. Either he’s losing his mind, or something drastically changed his mind. The man I’ve known my whole life wouldn’t ask for a second opinion, much less give the prisoner a chance to explain himself after pleading guilty. However, now isn’t the time to question his decisions. He’s waiting for an answer.
On the one hand, I loathe the Hyatt guard. I would be content to toss him back in the dungeon to rot, but as I look across the room at Irissa, I know that’s not an option. She would never forgive me if I ignored the opportunity to save them, and that’s not something I’m willing to endure for a bit of revenge.
On the other hand, I believe what the man says. I know the attacks are still happening and that the minotaurs are to blame. My father doesn’t know my suspicions about Zen being involved, and now isn’t the time to bring it up, but he’s the only person in our kingdom who has the power to stop any of it. Proud as I am, I don’t possess the power to control our people yet.
“I say we let them go.” Voicing the answer spikes my adrenaline, and I continue when he arches his brows. “Yes, they committed a crime under false pretenses, but it was out of fear for Irissa’s wellbeing. It wasn’t a malicious act, whereas these attacks are ripping their kingdom apart at the seams. If someone is doing this under the guise of Ulleh, they must be stopped.”
He nods his head along as I speak, and my pulse races faster.
“I agree, it’s something to look into. What do you suggest as a course of action?”
I don’t have to think about the answer because I’ve thought about little else over the last few days. “I say we send scouts back with them to Hyatt. They’ll be able to confirm if and when there is another attack. Hyatt might be weak, but they are our ally. We have to do something to protect them.”
He nods once and waves a hand dismissing me. Before he can change his mind, I stand and return to my spot between Oryx and Irissa. There’s another long moment of silence before my father gets to his feet, armor clinking with his movements, and addresses the prisoners.
“I have heard your case,” he says, looking between the two of them, “and I have made my decision.”
My chest tightens, forcing me to take shallow breaths. It’s time to find out if he listened to my suggestions or decided to ignore them. Does he think I’ll make a decent leader, or is he regretting his decision in choosing an heir?
“For your transgressions, you are both exiled from Ulleh. You will leave immediately and return to your kingdom,” he states, each word pounding into the air like a fist. “Four of my soldiers will accompany you. Their purpose will be to verify these attacks and identify the enemy. An enemy of Hyatt is an enemy of Ulleh, and they will be handled accordingly. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Your Highness,” the prisoners mutter in unison.
“Now, go before I change my mind.”
With a swoosh of his cape, my father heads back to the side door, leaving the prisoners where they sit. Irissa bolts forward, rushing to their side and making me clench my teeth so hard my jaw aches. What I wouldn’t give to slug that cocky one right in the head before they leave.
“That’s surprising,” Oryx whistles through his teeth, stepping in front of me to block my view. “Battle regalia and he’s gone soft. I wonder what’s up with Father.”
“I have no idea.” I can only shrug be thankful for the verdict.
Waiting to hear back from the troops sent to Hyatt is grueling. I’ve lost track of the hours I’ve spent in front of a window patiently watching for any sign of the guards’ return. I know they have to wait until another attack to confirm Darsan’s story before they travel back, but every day we don’t hear from them crawls by excruciatingly slow.
I can feel the effect my worry is having on me, even though I try my best to convince Lizette otherwise.
Every day the air around me feels tighter, making it harder to breathe.
My heart crashes harder in my chest.
My thoughts race.
I put on a brave face for those around me, but when I’m alone the fear and anxiety creep up my spine again.
At Lizette’s request, I try to find something to occupy my time. Anything to provide a decent distraction. She suggested sewing or painting, but neither held my interest for more than a few minutes, and I’m dreadfully useless in the kitchen. Nor has barely spoken to me since our fight, so spending time with him is out of the question.
Reluctantly, I turn to the library again, which seems to pacify her. I wander my way there whenever she’s busy with servant duties and attempt to lose myself in printed words. Sometimes it works, like when I stumble upon a storybook of minotaur legends. Other times, I find myself staring blankly at pages full of scrawl while my mind tiptoes far away.
Today is one of those days.