Page 92 of Monster's Bride
Even though it might not be convincing enough for the rest of the kingdom, there is now no doubt in my mind that Zen is the culprit. I just have to get this information to Nor. I may not have any power to have Zen apprehended and questioned, but Nor does. I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to give the order.
Folding the pages in my hand, I tuck them into the bodice of my dress and close the drawer. I take a final sweeping glance around the room to make sure I haven’t missed anything obvious and hurry toward the door as my pulse quickens. I’ve lost track of the minutes since I arrived, and the last thing in the world I want is to be caught in Zen’s room.
I can already see myself sprinting back across the castle, and I brace myself to run when I grab the knob and rip the door open, but something blocks my way. Zen stands there, a sinister look of confusion and anger contorting his features. His arm is halfway extended as he reaches for the doorknob.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he hisses, his brows drawing low over his eyes.
My heart jumps into my throat, heat creeping into my cheeks as I stare up at his massive form. It would be stupid to lie—I’m clearly not here by accident—so I clear my throat and put on my bravest face, even though the sight of Zen makes my entire body tremble.
“I knew you were up to something,” I say, fighting to keep my voice level. “And now I have proof. Get out of my way so I can report you to the king.”
I make to squeeze around his hulking form, but he shifts to press himself flush with the doorframe and blocks my way. His entire body tenses, muscles flexing.
“There is no king,” he says, his voice snaking around my like evil tendrils. My chest constricts, like they’ve tightened around me.
“But Nor—”
He cuts me off before I can even finish my thought. “Is as good as dead, just like you. You’re looking at the future king of Ulleh.”
His hand rockets to my throat, fingers curling tightly around my neck, and he presses against me until I take a step backward from the doorframe. He walks me inside and kicks the door closed behind us.
“Should I tell them you tried to sneak in here and kill me, making your death a measure of self-defense?” He asks, tsking his tongue. His fingers squeezing tighter around my neck until I’m gasping for air. “Or should I pitch you off the balcony and tell them you fell?”
The edges of my vision are fading to black, and I reflexively claw at his hand around my throat. It does nothing to faze him.
“Nor…will…kill…you…” I choke out, the waste of breath making everything darken more.
With a scoff, he shoves me away from him and I topple to the floor, gasping for breath.
“He can’t kill me if he’s dead,” he says, pacing toward me slowly like a predator creeping up on his prey. “Your maid obviously interfered the first time, so I had to finish the job myself.”
“You’re lying.” I back myself away from him on the floor, trying to keep my distance from him. If I can get around him to the door, I might stand a chance to outrunning him. I’ve never seen a minotaur run, but Zen’s slow, calculated moves don’t suggest he can move very fast. Or if I can find a weapon, I can at least defend myself.
I’m sorely regretting not stopping by my room on the way here.
“Tell yourself whatever makes your death more palatable,” he shrugs, still moving in my direction. “If you like the idea of him being alive and unable to save you, who am I to deny you that fantasy?”
My stomach turns. Could he be telling the truth this time? Had he really gone to the infirmary to finish the job and kill Nor to become king. It would have been easy, especially if Nor was still asleep when he arrives. Slitting his throat or slipping him more poison wouldn’t have been too difficult.
But would he have really risked being caught in the act?
I back up until I hit the wall, and white-hot fear zips up my back. I’m cornered, and as much as I’d like to stand up and fight, I’m hopelessly outmatched. Even if I had my blade, I doubt I’d be much of a match for him.
He bends low and grabs the front of my dress, dragging me to my feet again. I swallow hard as he presses me firmly against the wall.
“I could always have my fun with you first,” he says, cocking his head to the side. “I can use that tight little cunt of yours until you snap in half.”
Fury burns through me at the idea of him touching me. “I’d rather die.” I growl out, spitting in his face.
He roars and rears back, slamming the back of his hand across my face so hard it makes my ears ring. I stagger, heading for the floor, but he grabs me by the throat again and slams me back against the wall. When my head connects with the stone, burst of color explode across my vision.
“You bitch,” he snarls, squeezing his fingers so tightly that I expect my neck to snap. “You’ll regret that.”
He lets go of me to fist his hand in my hair before turning and dragging me back across the room. I scream at the pain, which makes him tug harder until my eyes sting with tears, and he throws me onto the bed. His gaze is dark with an evil lust as crawls over me, and I buck beneath him in vain to try and get him off. I swing my fists wildly, desperate to connect with any vulnerable part of him, but he grabs my hands and slams them into the mattress above my head.
I scream at the top of my lungs, knowing it’s almost useless but unable to stop myself. My skin crawls, desperate to get away from him.
“Get off!” I scream, still fighting against him. I kick my legs, trying to roll back and forth, anything to stop him from touching me, but he keeps me pinned firmly in place.