Page 110 of Once a Month
“That’s great,” I say.
“I think I’m finally starting to feel okay for the first time in a while,” she says.
Then, I realize that if she’s feeling okay, if she’s moving on and done figuring things out, that means she’s ready. She’s ready to start dating.
“Can we just stay like this for the rest of the night?” I ask.
“Whatever you want,” she says.
MONTH 10. PART 2. – The Cabin
(POV Escort)
“Didn’t you guys just get back?” I ask.
“Last night, yeah,” my friend says.
“And don’t you have to reacclimate to the to time zone?”
“The answer is no, isn’t it?” she asks.
“I thought I’d just see you guys at the party.”
“We’re going to the main one this time, and I assume you’re going to the all-women one that they had to change,” she says.
“That’s the plan. I’ve been requested,” I say, smiling into the phone.
“You’ve definitely got it bad, girl,” my friend says, laughing. “We were hoping we’d see you before then. We got this amazing lube in the red-light district. I think we bought the whole shop after we tried it – it makes everything more intense.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It is. I wanted to try it out on you,” she says.
“Maybe some other time,” I reply.
“Are you saving yourself for her?”
“Not saving, no,” I say. “I just like it when I don’t come for a few days, and then she’s the one making me come – it’s so intense.”
“So is the lube I just told you about,” my friend tells me. “Come over tonight. The wife has the hot tub ready to go, and I’m pulling out the massage oil… I can relax you before I make you come.”
“Really, that sounds very nice, but–”
“I thought we were good… We’re good, right? The timing of the last party and then our trip wasn’t great, but if we need to talk about what happened or–”
“No, I’m more than good with what happened. It was great.”
“Yeah? Are you sure? I don’t want it messing up our friendship.”
“It won’t. It’s not.”
“But you’re not interested in doing it again?”
“I am, just not before the party.”
“We can switch up our plans and go to the whole cabin thing if you want. I can see why you’re so into her – she’s really hot, and when she comes, she explodes. It’s sexy as hell.”
“It is, yeah.”