Page 157 of Once a Month
Then, I realize the woman still holding my hip is massaging my breasts for me now – I hadn’t even noticed that I’d dropped my hands to my sides.
“Can I suck on them?” she asks.
“If you really want to,” I say.
“Oh, I do,” she says, and I believe her.
I lower the straps of my dress and release my breasts as I drop the garment to my hips. I press her face to my right breast and watch the women next to me as they have hot sex against the wall while this stranger sucks on one nipple and then the other.
“Harder,” I tell her.
She moves her hand from my hip to my abdomen, and I feel it moving lower. I place my own on top of it and shake my head.
“Not there,” I say. “Suck.”
She sucks on my left nipple until I can’t take it anymore.
“Yes! Yes!”
“She’s coming,” I say.
“You can come, too,” the woman sucking on my nipple says as she moves to begin kissing my neck.
“Oh, I will,” I say, pulling away from her. “See you around.”
“What? I thought…”
I wink at her and move to the staircase, moving my dress back into place as I walk. I take the stairs slowly, enjoying the tingling that’s building between my legs. My nipples are on fire, begging to be touched more, but I know I don’t want that woman to take care of them – I have other plans tonight.
Finding an open door, I stand there and watch – my, how the times have changed. I watch as the member and the former-escort-and-now-girlfriend-to-the-member lie in bed, massaging each other. It’s hard to believe that I’ve known them for almost two years now. That’s how long I’ve been coming to these parties. In fact, tonight is my second membership anniversary.
“You can join us if you want,” the former escort says when she sees me standing in the doorway.
“I’d rather watch for now,” I say.
“Are you sure? She’s ready,” she replies, running her fingers through her girlfriend’s folds. “Aren’t you, baby?”
“I’m always ready for you, my love,” the woman says, gasps, and then bucks her hips.
“Oh, I like when you do that,” her girlfriend tells her.
“Will you make me come?”
“Yes,” she replies.
I feel hands wrap around my waist from behind.
“I saw you downstairs,” a voice says.
“Yeah. So?” I reply.
“I watched that other member touch you, and it turned me on.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Why didn’t you bring her up here? Take her to bed?” she asks, slipping her hand under my dress a little presumptively.
“I was interested in watching for a while,” I reply.