Page 164 of Once a Month
“Always, baby,” she says, kissing my lips. “Always.”
EPILOGUE. PART 2. – Escort
When I walk in, I head to the bar first. I grab myself a drink and down it quickly. I should probably take my time with it, but I’m anxious. I know what’s going to happen tonight, and it has me ready and wired. I see a few other members I recognize and stop to chat with them for a moment. Then, the music starts, and it’s as if the first note shuts down all conversation. Women who weren’t even standing near one another move toward one another. A woman who was sipping a glass of champagne approaches an escort and nods her head toward the stairs without words. Then, there are the two women I know, already making out against a wall. I watch them from my position against the opposite wall. There are others in the room already removing clothing, but I watch them.
Then, I watch her. She talks to them for a second, and when she starts massaging her breasts, I swallow because I know how good they feel in my hands, in my mouth. Another woman walks up behind her. My instinct is to go there now and stop whatever is about to happen because she’s mine. That’s not why we’re here tonight, though, and we both know that we belong to each other. That’s all that matters. So, I watch.
The woman touches her hip and pulls her back against her body. My friend comes as her wife fucks her with her mouth against that wall. Then, my friend thrusts inside her. The woman behind her is massaging her breasts now. I press my hand to my sex over my pants and watch as she touches my fiancée. I press my palm into my center and feel the pressure start to build. They say something to one another that I can’t hear. She drops her dress to her hips. Then, she lowers the woman’s face to her breast, and the woman sucks. That woman’s hand moves lower then, and it nears her sex. I rub my own harder over my pants. She stops the woman’s hand, and I lick my lips.
“Yes! Yes,” my friend yells as she comes against the wall.
The woman touching her moves her mouth from her nipples to her neck. She waits another moment and pulls away from her. I watch as she walks to the stairs, covering her breasts with her dress again.
I love watching her like this. She’s gone from being touched by me for the first time while watching two other women have sex and running out of the party right after, to letting me watch her get touched by someone else in a living room full of people, with her breasts on full display and, theoretically, all eyes on her. I’ve gone from being nervous about my first night here, to watching the woman I’m going to marry be fondled by a stranger in front of other people because it turns me on so much.
I wait for a second. Then, I follow her up. She stands in an open doorway, and I stand back and listen.
“Oh, I like when you do that,” someone in the room says.
“Will you make me come?”
“Yes,” she replies.
I walk into the room and see the former escort and member. The two women have been together as long as we have now, though they’re still girlfriends, and I’ve recently proposed, making sure to put a ring on her finger the first chance I got. She’s the one, and I suppose I’ve always known it. From the first moment I saw her watching them, I knew I was supposed to know her. This time, I wrap my arms around her from behind just like that first time.
“I saw you downstairs,” I say.
“Yeah. So?” she replies.
“I watched that other member touch you, and it turned me on.”
“Oh, yeah?” she asks in her teasing tone that always makes me rock hard.
“Why didn’t you bring her up here? Take her to bed?” I ask, slipping my hand under her dress, ready to claim her now.
“I was interested in watching for a while,” she replies.
“Was?” I ask, sliding my hand over her smooth thigh.
“I’m getting turned on,” she says.
“I can see why. They’re very sexy,” I say, looking up at them.
I move my hand to her sex. She lowers the straps of her dress for me this time. When she starts massaging her breasts, it makes me want to rub myself against her just to get off already. Instead, I move her soaked thong aside and find her clit ready and waiting.
“Oh, yes,” she whispers and leans against me.
“You’re hard,” I say. “And wet.”
“I told you I was turned on,” she says.
“I can take care of it for you.”
“Yes,” she says.
“I can do more than just finger your clit; I can suck on your clit while you watch them,” I say, wanting to taste her.
“Just this,” she says, breathing hard. “Just make me fucking come already.”