Page 38 of Once a Month
“So, you’re supposed to be at a work thing this weekend?” she asks.
“Yes, a retreat,” I say and sip my wine.
“Well, thank you for skipping it for me,” she says, smiling across the table at me.
I didn’t, I think to myself. I skipped it for her.
“I told them I was sick. I haven’t been feeling all that well for a few days, and I think I need to get some sleep in my own bed,” I lie.
“I know we’ve had to postpone this a few times – which is my fault – but if you’re not feeling well, we can finish dinner and call it a night. We can try again another weekend,” she says.
“Actually, that would be nice. Thank you,” I say. “I’m sorry. I’ve been very busy at work, and I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep. Plus, my assistant came in with a cold the other day.”
“Does she have a kid?” she asks. “I swear, people with children coming in when their kids are sick is one of the main reasons the flu spreads.”
I cringe internally at the comment but give her a fake smile.
“She does not. She actually tried to work from home, but we had a meeting get moved up, and she needed to be there for it. She’s an MBA student I hired as my assistant while she’s working and going to school simultaneously. When she graduates, the plan is that she’ll get a position on our operations team. So, I have her sit in on important meetings whenever I can – not to take notes, but to learn. It’s my fault she had to come in,” I tell her.
That’s all true – my assistant did come in not feeling well – but I’m feeling fine. My mother has been trying to set me up on a date with this woman for six months. We were supposed to go out right away, but she had some urgent business in China. We’ve tried again and again, and there’s always something; either she can’t make it, or I can’t. She’s attractive, and I can see myself wanting to sleep with her more to see if it would be any good. She seems like a TypeA, corporate lawyer with a bug up her ass that might be good in bed, but I can’t get beyond this stagnant conversation.
She talks about her work, which is boring, as I’m sure mine is to her as well, and she talks about how she doesn’t want to get married or have kids. In fact, she’s said that three times since dinner began, and we’re just wrapping up our entrées. I get it – she’s not looking for a wife or a woman who wants kids. And I’m really not looking for her, so that works for me. I finish my wine and push my plate away. She does the same.
“Maybe when you’re feeling better, we can do this again,” she says as she takes the check when it arrives.
There’s no arguing with her about paying; I’ve already tried.
“Maybe,” I say, knowing there won’t be a next time with this woman.
“I’ll take you home,” she says after her credit card is returned.
Again, I don’t waste my time arguing about it. She drives me home after the most boring date of my life and kisses me on the cheek while we sit in the car.
“I’d ask to come in, but you’re not feeling well.”
Read the room, I think to myself. I am not interested.
“I’ll call you,” I lie and climb out of the car, not wanting to give her a chance to ask me when or talk about a next time.
The only next time I’m interested in is the one I have tomorrow night.
When I arrive, she’s already there, standing about ten feet away from the door. She smiles when I enter, and I know she’s standing there for me. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find her on my first time here, but I’m grateful for her; not just for how she touches me and lets me touch her, but because she’s just her, and she’s wonderful.
“Hi,” she says as I approach.
“Hi,” I reply back, feeling a little nervous, which I shouldn’t be at this point.
“You didn’t bring a bag this time,” she remarks, noting that I handed my purse and my jacket to the woman at the door.
This is the second women-only event, and I was happy to receive an email that they would be continuing with these for at least two more months and would then let us know if they’d go on beyond that.
“I didn’t, no,” I say.
“Any reason?” she asks.
“Honestly,” I say as I sigh. “I planned on packing today, but I ended up not having the time. I was actually supposed to be at a work retreat this weekend, but I skipped it. Everyone else is there, though, which means no one is around to respond to urgent emails. So, I had to take a few calls today, and by the time I got done, it was time to go already. I didn’t even have time to put on the new dress I bought and the lingerie I picked out for tonight.”