Page 4 of Once a Month
“I’m going to let her ride my dick.”
I watch as she gets ready. The woman behind me continues to stroke me softly, and my legs get wobbly again.
“Do you want to sit down?” she asks.
“Huh?” I ask, knowing I don’t want to move.
“I’d really like to go down on you while you watch,” she says. “Would that be okay?”
“Go…” I don’t say anything else because the other woman is back on the bed; her partner is moving to straddle her hips, and I watch the dildo disappear inside her for the second time tonight.
“Over here,” the woman behind me says.
She removes her hands from my body, and I want them back immediately. I’m about to say something when she walks around beside me, and I realize who’s just given me the best orgasm of my entire life – it’s the dark-haired woman from the other room, and she’s even sexier now. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I want her again so badly. I want her inside me. I want her mouth on me. I want to keep watching the two women writhing on the bed in front of me. I want it all, but as I stare into her dark eyes, I can’t move toward the small sofa in the corner of the room where I can tell she wants to me go.
“It’s okay,” she says. “We don’t–”
“I have to go,” I say.
“You have to go?”
“Fuck!” the woman on the bed yells as her hips rock.
“I can do what I just did if you want,” my dark-eyed goddess says to me as she moves back behind me again. “Is this what you want?” Her hand returns to my still exposed breast, and her other hand moves back under my dress to cup my sex.
Yes, it is what I want. I want this again and again. But something is telling me that this isn’t really what I want.
“I have to go,” I repeat and step away from her.
Her hands fall. I pull up my bra, covering my breast, and zip my dress back up quickly. I pick up my purse, which I only just realize is sitting on the floor next to me, and turn around. She looks almost disappointed, but that can’t be right. She does this for a living; she’ll find someone else to fuck tonight. She nods, and I know somehow that I’m right – she is disappointed. I nod, too, for some reason, and walk past her, out the door of the bedroom and down the hall. I practically take the stairs two at a time, and as I request my coat from the attendant at the door, I take a chance to look back up to the landing.
When I do, I see her standing there and staring back down at me, wearing a sexy tailored suit that doesn’t look like it has a wrinkle on it and an expression that tells me she is contemplating something. I take my jacket abruptly from the attendant when he returns with it, and I walk outside. The woman from before is still standing there, by the entrance. She doesn’t ask me any questions. I hold out my wrist, she takes my bracelet, presses some buttons on a phone, and within a minute, my car is pulled into the driveway by the same valet. I take back the keys, climb inside, and breathe for the first time since I entered that house.
“Oh, my God,” I say to myself before I pull the car out into the street, vowing that this will be the only party like this I ever go to, but knowing deep down inside that’s just not the truth.
MONTH 1. PART 2. – The First Night
(POV Escort)
Well, here I am. I’m standing in front of my floor-to-ceiling mirror, trying to fix my hair and wondering how the hell I got here. I’m wearing a suit jacket – I never wear suit jackets. I feel like this isn’t me, but I know it is at the same time. I know this is not something I’d planned for myself, but I’m doing it anyway. I signed a contract, and they’ve given me an advance. I won’t get the rest unless I actually show up, and it’s a lot of money. God, it’s a lot of money, and I need it. So, I take one more look and decide I’m presentable enough. I grab my phone and wallet off the table by my bed, tuck them into my pockets, and leave my house.
As per my instructions, I pull up a mile from the location. A man meets me, and we wait for a few minutes in total silence. This is the part where they drive several of us to the very nice mansion in a much nicer car than the one I drove here in because, in this neighborhood, a fifteen-year-old car would stick out like a sore thumb – which is an expression I don’t actually know the origin of, and I think about that as three women and two men pull up, and we all get inside a black BMW SUV that drives us the rest of the way there.
It’s a strange ride. No one says anything, but there aren’t any actual rules about not talking to the other escorts that I know of, so it must just be something they do. We’re driven to the back of the house, and we follow the man who drove us there. He’ll go back and pick up the late arrivals and bring them here, too, so he leaves us after we’re inside and checked in. The woman at the door looks at me and another woman who’s arrived with me, and she nods for us to follow her. We do.
“First timers,” she says. “One more review of the rules before the members get here.”
I listen as she rattles on about things I already know. I tuck my hands in my pockets, trying to appear cool and calm, but I’m a ball of nerves inside. My stupid friends had to suggest this to me as a way to make money… I can’t believe I’m listening to a woman tell me that if a member approaches me and I’m not attracted to them at all, I have to feign interest. Obviously; I know why I’m here. I’m here because people paid a lot of money to join this secret club. They just go from house to house, month after month, and they sleep with people, watch other people have sex, and sometimes, they do a little of both.
“Consent is the most important thing,” she says at the end of her speech. “Theirs and yours. If a member gets out of line in the slightest, you notify one of the people wearing this green ribbon, and they’re gone. Understood?”
“Yes,” the woman next to me says.
I nod.
“That goes for you, too. You do anything to piss of a member, and you’re out, too. You make the advance, and that’s all; no payment for the night.”