Page 52 of Once a Month
“Tell me,” she says. “Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard.”
And she does. She fucks me like this. Then, she turns me over, gets me on all fours, and fucks me like that, too. She bites on my ass a little before I come and fall onto the bed. Then, she rubs her wet pussy over my ass cheek until she comes. My friends stop to watch us before they stroke each other at the same time and come again.
Before I can say that I need a break, I’m being pulled up and out of bed. She’s dressing me because I can’t seem to focus on dressing myself. Then, as soon as she’s done putting her dress back on, without a word, she’s walking me back to the room we left, which is still available. When we enter, she strips us of our clothes, and we get into bed. We’re still breathing hard when she presses her head to my chest and her arm over my waist.
“This is nice,” I say after a long time.
“Yes, it is,” she replies.
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
“Almost time,” I say.
“Yeah,” she says, sounding disappointed.
“Let’s just stay like this until we have to go,” I say.
“I’d like that.”
MONTH 6. PART 1. – Making Do
(POV Member)
I find out that she’s not going to be there. I read the email letting me know that my request to have a room reserved would either be refunded, or I could transfer the request to another escort.
Another escort? Right, I think. I don’t want another one. I want her. She told me she’d be here. I’ve gone an entire month without even touching myself because I know that if I do, I’ll have to come. It’s been hard not being able to get myself off thinking about her doing the same. That’s especially true given the fact that we had amazing sex last time. Well, we’ve had amazing sex every time, but last time was really fucking hot. I wanted them to know that she was mine – at least for that night, she was mine, and they couldn’t have her. When we got back to the room, it was too late to do anything else, but she held me, and I held on to her. That felt just as good as having endless orgasms with her, which tells me something.
Maybe I should go without her. Maybe I should find another escort to share that room with, after all. I need to stop associating her with these parties. She won’t always be there, and she won’t always be mine. I was able to skip the work retreat last time, but one of these months, there will be a work event or something else that I can’t get out of. I’ll miss a party, and she’ll be expected to get someone else off that night. It bugs me just thinking about it, but I need to just get over it already. It’s going to happen, and there’s nothing I can do about it. She’s not really mine, and it’s her job to make women come. It’s as simple as that.
I cancel my reservation but keep my RVSP. I’ll go and try to meet someone new. I might not do anything, but this is what I need. Maybe I’ll just walk around for a bit to see if anyone else strikes my fancy. Maybe I’ll just watch and go back home. I don’t know yet, but I remember that I’m not supposed to come unless she’s the one touching me, and I think she can’t possibly mean that I have to wait another month now. Surely, she’s come either by her own touch or by someone else’s. Her friends want to fuck her and have her fuck them. I’m sure they’ve already done that, and I’m the idiot missing out on all the orgasms I could be having.
After a month, I’m so desperate and hard-up, I’m even contemplating calling my Type A date and just getting her off to see what it’s like – if she would be less of Type A in the bedroom than she’s in the boardroom. It’s not worth the complication, though, and even if I let her touch me, I have a strange feeling she won’t be able to get me there.
She’s called three times since our first date weeks ago now. I didn’t answer the first time, but I texted her the second. I’m not a bitch. I told her I was busy and that I’d get back to her. A week later, she called again, so this time, I actually picked up and let her down as easily as I could. I called my mother after that and broke the news that just because the woman is a lesbian, doesn’t mean we’re going to hit it off. When I told her that the woman didn’t want kids, though, my mom agreed that this was a good decision on my part – my mother wants grandkids.
It’s the night of the party now, and I’m actually kind of angry with her. I hate feeling this way, but I can’t exactly help it – I’m upset. We made a plan, and I was looking forward to it. I want her to touch me. I need to come, but it’s more than that. I just want to see her. I like her smile and her laugh. I like how she holds me from behind. I like how it felt, lying in bed with her, with her arm around me and my head on her chest. I could feel her heart beating as I stroked her stomach with my fingertips. It felt good, but it also felt right, which is wrong. I shake my head when I enter the house. It’s wrong. Stop thinking about her. She’s not going to be here. Just get in, have some fun, and go home. She won’t know anyway, and she probably doesn’t even care because she’s had ten orgasms this week or something.
I’m a little later than I’d planned. There’s a pro sporting event of some kind in town, and the game must have just ended because traffic to get to this side of town was bad, making me twenty minutes late and without a partner and a room when I arrive. As I stand by the bar, sipping on my cocktail, I think about just going home after the traffic dies down because I’m standing here alone like an idiot. Then, I see the escort I was with last time approach me.
“Well, hello,” she says.
“Hi,” I reply.
“We have a room upstairs. Would you like to join us if you’re not occupied?” she asks.
“You and…”
“You know who,” she states.
“Are you sure? You guys seemed pretty content after I left last time.”
“Oh, we were,” she tells me. “But we liked you there, too.” She leans over the bar and orders two drinks. “She’s getting ready for me. Sometimes, she likes to pretend like I’m her girlfriend, walking in on her getting off, and I punish her by fucking her. It’s pretty fun.”
“You guys are always together at these things, huh?” I ask, sipping on my strong drink.
“Yeah. She started coming here about two years ago, and that’s about when I first started. I was only doing this to pay off my student loans from grad school.”