Page 86 of Once a Month
I sit back on the bed, spreading my legs wide. She stares, and I roll my eyes. When she finally sits between them, I pull her against me. I’ve decided that I will always love pulling this woman against me like this, holding on to her, and breathing her in. Tonight, she smells only a little bit like herself. Her shampoo is all her, but her skin now smells of the hotel soap we used a little in the hot tub. She also smells a bit of the champagne we’ve had and even a little like strawberry.
“Can we just watch something else?”
“You don’t want to watch what you picked out?” I ask, kissing her shoulder.
“No. Maybe just a regular movie,” she replies.
“Whatever you want,” I say, wondering what’s changed.
She picks something out, and it’s a rom-com I’ve seen before. At least, it’s a happy lesbian movie. We watch it together, with her leaning back and relaxing against me. I run my hands over her skin and sometimes offer her soft kisses as we let it play on the large TV. When the movie ends, I know time is almost up for us, so I reach between her legs and gently stroke the hairs I find there, wanting to signal that I need her now.
“I don’t want to leave without touching you one more time,” I say shortly after.
“Yes,” she says.
“Can I get it?” I ask.
After she nods, I climb out of bed and go to the bag, which someone had left in the main room. I slip on the strap-on and go back into the bedroom room, not wanting to waste any time. She’s lying down now, so I move on top of her. I know the night is almost over, but I can’t keep myself from kissing her. We stay like this for a long time before I notice something – her kisses aren’t like they normally are. She’s not keeping up with me. Her hands have stilled on my body, too. I pull back to look at her.
“Hey,” I say softly.
“What?” she asks back, looking up at me with beautiful eyes.
“Are you here?” I ask her.
“You seem… distracted.”
“Oh, no. I’m here, baby.” She takes my head in her hands.
I nod, wondering what she was just thinking about, and kiss her again. I move the toy through her folds, gathering her wetness – that’s all for me. She’s wet all the time, every time we’re like this, and it’s all for me. I push gently inside, giving her a moment to adjust but not taking my eyes off her as I push and pull and move inside her. She’s holding on to my ass, encouraging me with one hand, and her other is cupping my cheek.
“Are you okay?” I ask, rocking my hips a little faster now.
“Yes, don’t stop.”
“I won’t,” I tell her.
“Can you come like this?” she asks.
“Yes,” I say, knowing I’m already almost there.
I move faster, wanting us to come at the same time. My head is on her shoulder now. I can’t keep my hips rocking in rhythm because it feels so good. She’s coming now.
“Baby, yes!”
“Oh, fuck,” I say because I’m coming now, too.
We come together, and she holds me against her body. God, she just holds me as I breathe against her neck. It’s a powerful thing to come like this with someone, but it’s on a whole other level that she holds me this way – against her – after and kisses the side of my head as we both attempt to catch our breath. Then, the phone rings.
“What’s–” I lift myself up; the mood altered by the obnoxious phone call.
“They can’t knock, so they’re calling. It’s three-forty-five.”
I notice the phone next to the bed and pick it up.
“We’ll be down in a minute,” I say without waiting for someone on the other end of the line to say something back.