Page 94 of Once a Month
“I miss you all the time,” she says.
When I come, she’s kissing me. I bite her lower lip a little, and she groans. When I’m done, she falls on top of me, like she usually does, and, for a minute, I forget there are two other women in the room with us.
“So?” one of them says as she lies down next to us.
“Yeah, so?” the other one asks, lying down on top of her wife.
“That was…” her wife says to her.
“Fucking amazing,” her wife replies.
“Yes,” she says, laughing a little.
“I want you alone now,” she whispers into my ear. “The rest of the night.”
“Okay,” I say.
“Okay, what?” the woman above her wife asks.
“This was really fucking great,” I tell them, smiling and then laughing a little.
“Agreed,” she says, mumbling against my skin.
“But, I think she’s ready for it to just be us now,” I tell them, rubbing her back up and down slowly.
She nods, and I kiss the side of her head and laugh a little.
“Yeah, babe?” I ask.
She nods again.
“We’re going to get dressed and go grab some food. We usually take a break anyway. Why don’t you guys keep this room? We don’t mind not having privacy anyway,” she says, slipping off of her wife. “Come on, my love. Let’s carbo-load and grab a drink.”
“I could use some water,” her wife says, standing up.
“I think those two we like were downstairs earlier. Want to watch them for a bit?”
“That sounds good,” she says.
They dress.
“Say goodbye, babe,” I tell her.
“Goodbye, babe,” she says without lifting her head off of my shoulder.
Her friends laugh.
“We’ll see you guys later, maybe,” one of them says as she closes the door behind them.
“Are you okay?” I ask her.
“I’m so tired,” she says against my skin.
I laugh and say, “Do you need a nap?”
“No,” she says, lifting her head up to look at me. “Can we just lie here for a while, though?”
“Why don’t I go get us some water, at least? Then, we can lie here as long as you want.”