Page 28 of Forced Perspective
My face got hot as he detailed, without details anyone else could really appreciate, the first time we actuallymet, that photoshoot in Vegas.
“Listen to that shit, you can’t hear that shit’s ridiculous? How I put you on when I shot my shot and missed? They wanna be in ya shoes that’s why they panties in a twist…”
That one would cause a lot of speculation. Who was the mystery woman he shot and missed with who needed his encouragement to ignore hater shit?
“Breathing ya pussy in, I’m infatuated with the smell of it. If this is the end, fuck it, I’m going harder for the hell of it…”
He looked right at me.
It wasn’t the first time throughout the night, but he’d not lingered, probably trying not to send scrutiny in my direction. Now though, he chose this section, chosemeto rap to directly, ending his verse with a wink as Noble started singing the chorus.
I squeezed my legs together, embarrassed at how aroused I was. The song was so raunchy and explicit and perfect to end the night with, or it would be, if I was going home with my partner to re-enact the lyrics like I was sure plenty of others were planning.
“Hey, you wanna go for drinks?” Winnie asked in my ear, already hooking an arm through mine. “We’re walking down to UG. It’s too crowded in here.”
“Uh… yeah.” I agreed mostly because I hadn’t had the foresight to make plans for afterward, but I was too keyed up for sleep to even be a possibility.
On the way there, I checked my phone several times. It was never dry—a conversation with Bianca about how the show had gone, texting with Jules, and other folks here and there.
But… not Kyir.
If he’d requested my presence backstage, or waiting at his apartment for him to get home, I would’ve been there in a heartbeat. But I realized now that I didn’t even know what he usually did after a show. He’d been in what he referred to as “off season” since we reconnected, recording his album.
I didn’t know what his post-show rituals were.
Not kicking it with me.
I admonished myself to not take it personal as I walked into Urban Grind with Winnie and her group. Maybe he just liked to be alone afterwards.
Or… maybe there was some kind of unspoken after-party, I wondered, when I immediately spotted Noble, and then Holly, in the crowd. Everybody went wild as Vanity hopped onto the stage, doing an impromptu, and very silly, performance of“Wrong Bitch”.
I didn’t see Ky though.
It was fun, for sure, and I had a good time, but I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering to him, and then… I wasn’t having a good time anymore.
“I think I’m gonna head home,” I told Winnie, whose eyes immediately went wide.
“Wait, by yourself?” she asked and I nodded.
“You know I’m just up the street, over the bike shop,” I explained and her shoulders relaxed.
“That’s not too bad, but still…Jay, walk her home,” she demanded of a man standing nearby. He appeared to be random, until he turned around.
The rideshare guy.
“Winnie, I’ve got better shit to do than babysitting your damn—oh, shit, you’re—”
“Yeah,” I interrupted. “I think you gave me a ride from the airport last week,” I said, hoping he picked up on my wide-eyed stare and didn’t spill any unnecessary beans.
I hadn’t been payingthatclose attention at the show because I was otherwise occupied, but I realized now thisJayhad been part of Winnie’s group at the table, but he’d arrived late.
The smirk he gave let me know he remembered exactly who I was and where he’d taken me.
Damn it.
“Come on,” he said, motioning for me to follow him. “I’ll just walk with you this time.”