Page 34 of Forced Perspective
But, because of the pics from the album party, Chloe thought it best to get ahead of any “spin”. The idea that I was just some groupie, or that Kyir was sexually harassing me, or whatever wild story people might run with.
If the damage control couldn’t make itclearthat we were together, the reveal in the mini-doc wouldn’t hit the same.
Which Ireallydidn’t want, ’cause the few minutes of us were quite beautiful. Intimate, but without being gross or even feeling like some big invasion of privacy. That was something I talked to Nick about at length. Not specific to Kyir’s doc, but more from a craft perspective.
Iwanted to be able to do that too.
The documentary I wanted to do on the Heights, and the core residents there, would need that type of access to people without exploiting them.
I wanted to learn and now I was in position to do that.
That was at leastonething Kyir’s insistence on just putting us out there had yielded in a positive way. And of course, us not having to hide our relationship, which I knew was truly a bonus.
These were just growing pains.
“Hey, look at this,” he said and I turned to where he was pointing at our reflection in the window. The sun was casting streaks of gold across it, and the way we were positioned now, it looked like we were standing in a frame, with the sun as our backdrop.
“Thisis the one right here,” Kyir said, fishing his phone from my hand.
I wanted to argue, but… I couldn’t.
It was… really good.
Lowkey, it reminded me of that very first shoot with him, the one where I’d been caught in the mirror in the corner.
It felt a little silly to me now that I’d still been trying to be incognito, using the probability of people assuming I’d been the one to take some picture to say something about us, instead of just… giving it straight.
Just a picture of…us.
He pulled up the camera on his phone and, without unhooking his arm on my waist or waiting on any kind of structured pose, he simply snapped the pic and posted it.
No filter, not even a caption.
And then he tossed the phone somewhere.
“Aiight cool,” he said. “That's done.”
I just shook my head.
Even with my frustration over the wayother partsof this had gone, I could never pretend he didn't somehow make a move that worked when it needed to be made.
Not saying it was always therightmove.
But it alwaysworked.
An artsy ass picture of us, which satisfied one of Chloe's pieces of homework for us on this trip. With the added bonus that the phone was clearly in his hand,he’dtaken it. It wouldn’t get picked apart the way it would if I’d done it.
Not that it mattered either way. Theotherpart of our “homework” was phones on do-not-disturb except for emergencies and social media apps blocked or deleted.
Mine was already fully confiscated after the fuckery we’d woken up to from the pictures of last night.
I yelped as Kyir suddenly swept me up, carrying me into our cabana. The trip to California, to theEscaperesort, had been exhausting. It had been a long day, period.
Still, I spread out my arms as he tossed me onto the bed, already excited about what I knew was coming.
What Ihopedwas coming.
He didn’t disappoint.