Page 9 of Forced Perspective
Valentina had set us up atPot Liquorfor this meeting. She was a few booths away with Shawn, working furiously on that little tablet she kept with her while Shawn mean-mugged everybody that came within ten feet.
I was just another Heights resident in here.
“Bruh.” Nick chuckled, scrubbing a hand over his face, trying to shake off his food-induced fatigue. “So… we’ll start tomorrow. Travel wipes me out, so I always like to come a day early. I film everything with my cell phone and a high-definition pocket cam, keeps things from feeling awkward and calling unnecessary attention to what we’re doing,” he explained. “Unless I engage directly with you, consider me… a fly on the wall. Observing.”
Nick went on with his breakdown of what this was going to look like, and… I was paying attention until I kinda wasn’t.
Cause Brooke had just walked in, talking animatedly about something with Jules. As it had been thefirsttime she stepped into a room I was in, some inexplicable pull made it impossible to look away. So fuck it, I didn’t try.
She disappeared on the other side of the restaurant for a few minutes to order, but then she was back, her gaze briefly locking with mine before she looked away.
Which pissed me off.
Notthat I didn’t understand why she didn’t want the public in on what we were doing, especially when she, according to her, was in the baby stages of building her career. She wasn’t trying to give anybody room to say she got it on her back, which… they would.
It was the way of the world now.
But damn, I couldn’t even get a secret smoldering look?
It was a little hurtful and I was gonna let her know that shit the next time we spoke.
Well… maybe not thenexttime, since a few moments later, she and Jules came bustling up to the table.Julesbustled up to the table, actually. Brooke’s fine ass looked distinctly like she was walking the plank.
“Hey Ky,” Jules spoke, getting her polite greeting to me out of the way before turning to her true target, Nick. “Hey stranger,” she gushed, and he gave her back the same energy, standing to give her a hug. “It’s been so long! Yo,One Day Sober.Listen.Listen!”
“Did we get the stamp of approval for that opening?” he asked, not retaking his seat after their quick, friendly embrace. “We weren’t supposed to do a second season, but P3 got the inspo, so—”
“Stamp of approval is such an understatement. My mind is blown, and listen, I am so proud of you for keeping that vibe on everything you do,” she said. “Like, I know it’s P3’s show, but your influence is this other layer of just…” She kissed her fingers to emphasize the words she couldn’t seem to articulate and shook her head as she glanced back in my direction. “My bad. I see y’all are in the middle something, I just had to come speak!”
“You’re good,” I assured her. “Nick, your sneak attack is working.”
They both laughed, while Brooke just stood there, not saying anything until I pinned her with a gaze. “Hi Brooke.”
“Hi Kyir.”
The dehydration of her reply made me feel like acting out, so… fuck it, I did, smirking at her before I looked to Nick. “Ay, I know you said you work alone, but Brooke here isveryinterested in being a filmmaker,” I said, forcing myself not to glance back at her, but still asking, “Didn’t you tell me that before?”
“Yes.” Jules answered for her, looking at her friend and peer confused by the hesitation. “I feel like you’ve said that to me before too.”
“Really?” Nick asked, honestly curious, not just being polite. “What do you do now?”
“I’m um… a photographer. Editorial mostly, but I’m here to apprentice with Jules to learn more commercial and lifestyle skills.”
“And to teach me how to get those beautiful video shots that she includes with her editorial packages,” Jules added. “She’s being modest.”
“I see.” Nick grinned. “I’ll have to look up some of your work, but…if Ky is good with it, you’re welcome to shadow the project I’m here to work with him on.”
“Oh are you doingTen Thousand Minutes?!” Brooke asked, before she could catch and temper her excitement.
“You’re familiar?” Nick asked.
She had no choice except to nod, bashfully admitting, “Yes, I’m a fan of the series.”
“In that case, I insist. I mean, if that’s something you’d be interested in, and again, if it’s good with Ky.”
“It’s good with Ky,” I said, looking Brooke right in the face. “Is it good with you?”
Briefly, her eyes flashed with annoyance I knew I’d hear about, but considered well worth having to fuck out of her later when she smiled at Nick.
“Yes. I wouldlovethe opportunity.”