Page 106 of Anonymous Acts
I stepped back, exchanging looks between Savi and Harrison, who smirked at right around the same time I did. “Untie this motherfucker,” I said. “I want to see him back this shit up.”
“Chad… come on,” Savi said, pushing out a heavy sigh. “You know he doesn’t know what he’s getting into.”
I shook my head. “Nah, he came sneaking around here “looking for Monica”, let’s see what he planned to do. He wants to be bold, let his ass be bold.”
“So youdidtouch her?” Asher asked, obviously stuck on that, and sounding damn near on the verge of tears.
Savi glared at me, communicating the obvious that maybe ol’ boy was unstable, but that didn’t keep me from wanting to kick his ass.
“Not your business,” I growled at him, moving to stand in front again. “You said you “heard” what happened to Monica’s assistant. Are you claiming you weren’t behind that shit? Cause I find it mighty coincidental that her boyfriend, who we can’t seem to find, has your middle name, and your same initials.”
“I don’t know her,” he claimed. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.Where is Monica?!”
“You think I’m bluffing,” I said, grabbing the scissors again, and rounding the back of his chair to snatch his finger. “Not gonna warn you again –why did you beat Kim up?”
“I didn’t!”
I closed the shears, and Asher screamed so loud that healmostdrowned out the sound of a new voice in the kitchen.
“What the hell is going on?!”
Luckily for Asher, I’d lost some of the ruthlessness from my days in the CIA – instead of snapping the shears closed, which could’ve taken his finger off at the bone, he had a fairly superficial cut. Nothing to be crying about like a fucking wimp, but here we were.
“Asher?!” Monica cried, when no one said anything. “What are you doing here? Why is he tied up?” she asked, directing that question at me. “Did youcuthim?!”
I frowned. “I mean… alittle. Not that bad. He’ll need like ten stitches tops. Maybe twelve.”
“A little?!” she scowled at me, then turned her attention to Asher. “Are you okay?”
He pulled away when she tried to touch him. “You screwed this motherfucker, didn’t you? We just buried my best friend, and you’re already screwing someone else?”
Monica took a step back, turning her scornful look onto him. “I fail to see how that hasanythingto do with you, Ash. Especially when you tried to kiss me!”
Wait a fucking minute!
“I apologized! And I told myself I would give you time to grieve, only to find out that you’re already—”
“You can stop right there, because you don’t know anything about what I’malreadydoing,” Monica snapped, andthenlooked to me for confirmation. I shook my head, acknowledging that I hadn’t even been the one to bring up that line of conversation. “How about you tell me what you’re doing here!”
“I’mbleeding,” he whined, and me, Harrison and Savi all rolled our eyes.
“I’ve had worse paper cuts,” Savi muttered. “You’re getting soft, Wick. Fifteen years ago, he’d be down to one finger by now.”
“Fatherhood. Got a heart now, I can’t help it,” I complained, which only made Monica scowl at me harder.
“We’ll get bandages for you,” she told Asher, being nicer than he deserved, when all I was thinking about was making him clean up his own damned blood from my travertine floor. “And untie you.Whyis he tied up, and being tortured?!”
“If I was going to torture him, for real, we’d be in the basement, where it’s soundproof. This is… this is just a little interrogation.”
She propped her hands on her hips, looking mad as hell and sexy as hell, even in yoga pants and the BSU hoodie she must’ve thrown on after her shower. “What gives you the right to hold and interrogate someone?!”
“The fact that he was sneaking around on our private property, trespassing, just adding to the list of reasons I don’t trust this creepy motherfucker,” I answered. I knew I hadn’t just been imaging things after lunch – I knew something felt off, like we were being watched, but I hadn’t seen anything that confirmed my suspicion. Now I knew – this motherfucker had been lurking around. “And I’m not untying him until we get some damn answers.”
“I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about,” Ash whimpered, sounding faint, like he was about to die of that little wound that was already starting to clot.
His speaking up made Monica turn her attention back to him. “But you do knowsomething, Ash. I feel like you know more than you’re telling about Amanda, and I’ve been trying to get in contact with you about it. You haven’t been responding to my texts or calls. Why?”
“Just busy, I swear. I swear, Monica.”