Page 122 of Anonymous Acts
Not to mention, he was a really good lunch date.
In fact, we were just coming from a trip to my favorite custom salad place,Poke, which had led to a trip back to my suite atVeilfor a quickie. So even though I was teasing him about it, I had exactly zero complaints about him shadowing me for my first official day back at work.
“Too many things to name,” I said, answering his question. “But I’ll say this – for a former spy, you aresonot sneaky.”
He sucked his teeth. “That’sa lie.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“It’sreallynot though.”
“But itreallyis though. And I’ll prove it. Open your top right desk drawer.”
I frowned at him, suspecting that he was playing with me, trying to get me to look away so he could do something… well, sneaky. But curiosity overwhelmed my suspicion, and I pulled open the desk drawer only to scream and quickly slide it shut again once I saw what was inside.
“Oh myGod!” I shrieked, blinking hard as I glanced toward the open door to my office to see if anyone was close by. “Are you crazy?! How did you…Whendid you?!”
“But you said I wasn’t sneaky. Said I was“sonot sneaky”, to be specific. Which is, in fact, a lie.”
I crossed my arms. “This isnotfunny.”
“That’s a lie.”
“But it isn’t.”
“But itis,” he shot back, with a devilish smirk I had a hard time not returning. “Not every day you end up with a big black dick in your drawer, but here we are.”
I rolled my eyes, and covered my mouth with my hand trying my best not to laugh. When a giggle broke free anyway, I tipped my head back, letting loose. “Okay. Maybe it is a little funny.”
“See?” he asked, pulling himself away from setting up his laptop on my coffee table to stand. “But, what isnotfunny is the situation brewing in my intestines from you making me eat those damn mystery greens.”
“Neither mizuna nor tatsoi aremystery greens, sir. Expand your palette, please.”
“What I’m about to expand is this toilet. I’ll be right back.”
“Ewww!” I called after him, as he closed the door to my private bathroom behind him. “You make sure you use the spray after! And during!”
I giggled over the faint “yes ma’am”I heard him answer with, and shook my head as I powered on my computer. As good of a mood as he had me in, there was still work to do, to fix the damage the sabotage attempt had wrought, both on my business structure and reputation.
It was a challenge I wasn’t afraid to undertake.
Wick was still in the bathroom, and I was knee-deep in emails when my intercom buzzed.
“Ms. Stuart?” my new assistant, Tarra said, grabbing my attention.
“Yes, Tarra?”
“Your two o’clock, Ashley Cline is here.”
Oh, shit.
It was a meeting that had been on my books for months – a beauty blogger, who’d wanted to interview me. I’d meant to look into her blog before I said yes, and then passed the responsibility over to Kim, who must’ve seen something she liked, because she granted the interview, and put it on my calendar.
Now, I was sitting here looking silly, knowing nothing about Ashley or her blog. But I reminded myself thatshewas interviewing me – not the other way around. All I had to do was be gracious, which could cover a multitude of sins – sins being, lack of research, in this case.
And if nothing else, I would just profusely, desperately, apologize.