Page 31 of Anonymous Acts
“Not at all. You were good with a trigger, but knives were your weapon of choice.”
I pushed out a harsh breath through my nose as I glared at Demetria. “And I left that life eleven years ago, for Kay. Youknowthat.”
“WhatIknow is that Monica Stuart is a very beautiful woman, and the two of you had a relationship that became sexual in nature. You knew she was married, knew about the drama her husband was putting her through, knew about the latest developments. It’s really not a stretch that you might consider getting rid of him for her.”
“I didn’t even know her damn name untilyesterday! And I can account for my whereabouts all day today.”
Demetria nodded. “Good.Great,actually. If both of you have alibis, that’s less the police have to try and make their case.”
“There is no case,” I maintained. “I didn’t even know that motherfucker!”
“But you know Monica. Very,verywell.”
“We talked online.”
“You did more thantalk, Chad. Now isn’t the time to try to downplay it. They have video. They know you two were more than “friends”.”
My nostrils flared at the wordvideo,and I sat up a little straighter. “Video? How in the hell do they have video, and how the hell do you know about it? What kind of video? From when? Why in the world—”
“Okay, one question at a time please!” Demetria interrupted, then took a breath as she pushed her hair back from her face. “They got the video from Monica’s computer. She says it’s from about a year ago, and it is… an intimate session the two of you shared.”
Goddamnit. She was recording us?
“You said “she says”. That’s what she told the police?”
Demetria shook her head. “No. She toldme. Because I’m representing her as well. Chloe called me when they arrested her, two hours before they arrested you.”
“What thefuckDem! You don’t think this is a conflict of interests?!”
She frowned. “What? No, not at all. The police are trying to railroad both of you, whenneitherof you is guilty. I can more than handle this.”
I scoffed. “How sure are you that she isn’t guilty, huh? She recorded us together without my permission. Isn’t that a crime?”
“Technically, yes. But it was never intended to be viewed by anyone other than herself, and she’d attempted to delete it. It was recovered from the computer’s hard drive. That’s the only reason they have it.”
“No, they have it because she did it in the first damned place,” I argued, not interested in Monica’s reasons or semantics. “Our text and email correspondences don’t have anything that would make the police arrest me for a fucking murder. The video is what has them thinking things between us are something they aren’t!”
“So what are things between you, Chad? Because you seem pretty upset at the idea of being linked to her at all.”
“Because I’m being accused ofmurderingthis woman’s husband! My face is probably on the fucking news right now – what do you think Kayla is thinking, huh? They arrested me right outside the theater, in full view of everybody. Do you know how embarrassing that could be for her, if anybody knew who I was? How embarrassing the shit is forme?”
Demetria nodded. “Yes, I understand. But I hope you don’t think this is a cake walk for Monica.”
“Right now, I don’t give afuckwhat it is for Monica!”
After I made that statement, Demetria’s eyes went wide for a second. I could tell she swallowed her first response, but was still getting ready to say something before a knock sounded at the door. Before either of us could actually answer, it swung open, and two detectives walked in.
“Let me save you fellas some time,” I started, ignoring Demetria’s subtle kick under the table, trying to get me to be quiet. “I didnotkill anybody, especially over some pussy I’ve never even had the chance to sniff. You’ve got the wrong goddamn guy.”
The white one chuckled as the other one moved to the back of the room, resting against the wall. “Never smelled it before, huh? That’s an interesting way to put it.”
“Yeah, well, you get the point.”
“Oh yeah,” he nodded. “I get it. And so did Kellen Stuart I bet, by the time you introduced him to the dangerous end of your girlfriend’s expensive kitchen knife fourteen times before you cut his throat. Is that number significant for you? They were married fourteen years, you stick him fourteen times?”
I shook my head. “I have no answers for you about this shit, because I have nothing to do with it. I didn’t fucking stab anybody.”
“This time,” the black detective chimed in from the back. “We managed to find some interesting information in the parts of your history that aren’t redacted, or classified.”