Page 38 of Anonymous Acts
“Of course not. They’re done withVivid Vixenproducts. Still perfect.”
“Uh huh.” Blake nodded. “So what, that was that, a field test? Market research? Is your next slogan going to be, “Whoop that trick, and still have a perfect mani withVivid Vixen?”
“Hell yes. Gotta hire Nubia for the visual. She could sell the hell out of that.”
Blake giggled. “I’m just glad it was me with you, and not Nubia. She would’ve let you kill that girl.”
“Because Nubia is arealfriend.”
“Monica,bye,” Blake shrieked, then turned to me as we pulled to a stop light. “I don’t think an attempted murder, not even a week after you’re arrested for adifferentmurder would be a good look for you. Just sayin’.”
I pushed out a sigh as the car started moving again. “No. Probably not.” The car was quiet again for several minutes while it all played in my head. I’d known for a long time that Kellen was a whore – he hadn’t exactly tried to hide it. I’d watched him flirt with everyone from waitresses to my employees, but I’d really thought that Crystal was it for him. She was the one he loved to rub in my face, the one he’d chosen to carry his child.
She probably thought she was as special as I’d assumed she was.
Turns out, she wasn’t.
“I guess he really was just fucking everybody,” I mused, shaking my head. “But my hair stylist, though? That’s just foul. That’s like fucking his barber.”
“Yeah,” Blake agreed. “It’s pretty messed up, Mon. I’m so sorry.”
I shrugged. “Nothing for you to be sorry about. I picked him.”
“Not like that makes it better. You don’t deserve this.”
I had no response for that. Because honestly… maybe Idid. Maybe all of this was the harvest from the seeds I’d sown in my marriage. Not being as supportive as I could have after he lost his job, not caring if he felt emasculated or threatened about my drive and work ethic. The emotional affair with Wick.
I wasn’t innocent.
So as angry as I was about the whole thing, there was still an underlying sense of guilt.
A quiet feeling that…yes.This wasexactlywhat I deserved. And if it wasn’t my own karma, maybe itwasa curse. Maybe I was reaping what my own mother had planted, doomed to repeat her mistakes as my own.
That woman who’d been there at the tech store talking to Wick… that body language certainly didn’t say “customer”. And yet, before the last week or so, Wick and I had been much,muchmore than friendly with each other.
I was all pissed off at Crystal and Tika for enabling my husband’s infidelity, but really? I wasn’t much better. When I tallied up my own mistakes… I wasn’t sure I had room to judge.