Page 5 of Anonymous Acts
“You don’t have too many more goddamned times to imply I’m less than a man.”
“Then you’d better see yourself out of my office, because I’m just getting started.”
I shoved him away from me, rolling my eyes as I stomped to the other side of my desk and sat down. His eyes were still on me, and I shook my head. Just being in the same room with his ass made me sick to my stomach.
I snatched up the phone from my desk, pressing the button to connect me to Kim. “Please send security to get this man out of my office. And make a note that he is not allowed in my office, or even on the premises, again.”
Kim agreed, and I shot an ugly look in Kellen’s direction as he chuckled. “You are a trip, you know that right?”
“And you aren’t worth the skin and brain matter it took to make you. You knowthat, right?”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself. You don’t have to do all of that with your security and shit. I’ll gladly leave. I just wanted to tell you the good news before you heard it elsewhere, that Crystal and I are expecting.”
I snorted. “Expectingwhat? A penicillin shot for the STDs you’re probably trading back and forth with each other?”
“Ha, ha. Very funny,” he said, as the smirk crept back onto his face. He crossed the office to the door, and put his hand on the knob. “A baby. We’refinallygonna have a baby, sweetheart. You might wanna get your PR team on it now.”
If the length of the room hadn’t been separating us, at that moment, there was a good chance I would have tried to kill him. He’d delivered those words with venom, and they had the desired effect, even though I didn’t let him see.
“Congratulations,” I managed to say, with an affect that I hoped sounded bored, and an expression I desperately willed to remain unbothered. His eyes narrowed at my lack of reaction, but security arrived to get his ass away from me, and their timing couldn’t have possibly been better. As soon as I was alone again in my office, I locked the door and then went back to my desk, where I fell into my chair.
I tried my best to think of something else. Fanned my face, thought “happy” thoughts, but nothing worked. IhatedKellen, with such a passion that it made me ache. Knowing that he was getting something that he –we– had so badly wanted, was more than I could handle.
Hot tears sprang from between my tightly closed eyelids, despite my efforts to hold them back. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves before I finally reached for my phone to connect to Kim.
“Reschedule anything else I have down for the day,” I told her, barely keeping my voice steady. “I’m going home.”