Page 65 of Anonymous Acts
He scoffed. “Yes it is. Your ass isn’t even usually out of bed this early, since you don’t have classes until this afternoon.”
His words brought a sheepish smile to her face, that said he said telling the truth. “You didn’t have to say that in front of them.”
“Ah, don’t be embarrassed. Get excited. You want me to show them how loud you squealed when I mentioned them to you?”
“Could youstop,” Kay whined, which only made Wick chuckle harder.
“She loves you – all of you, really – but especially you, Kora. She’s heavy in ballet now, but she wants to get more into modern dance, and stage acting.”
“Oh howsweet,” Nubia said, and me, Kora, and Blake all turned to give her a death stare about her tone. “Your boyfriend is introducing you to your idol, huh?”
“Boyfriend?!” Kay blurted, sounding – and looking – absolutely disgusted as she stepped away from Wick like he was contagious. “Gross!He’s my dad!”
“Dad?!” Nubia, Blake, Kora and I asked in unison, mouths open.
Wick’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Yeah… dad. Can somebody explain…?”
“Oh honey, we thought she was your sugar baby,” Nubia shrugged, stepping forward. “Our bad.”
Kora laughed. “No,wedidn’t think that. In any case, it’s nice to meet you, Kayla,” she said, extending a hand, which Kay eagerly accepted. “Would you like to talk? I can probably give you some resources to get you started, if you really would like to move into stage work.”
“Or TV,” Nubia interjected. “I was hating before I knew ol’ boy was your daddy, but you’re beautiful, and I need fresh faces on my network.”
Blake shook her head. “No, that face belongs inmagazines, and on the web, and I can get you there baby girl. Let’s chat.”
While my friends argued over their newfound project, I was left facing Wick, who still looked confused.
“Sugar baby?” he asked me, and I shook my head.
“Well, it’s—”
“No, Iknowwhat it is. I just… don’t understand why you thought—”
“I didn’t!” I corrected immediately, embarrassed. “I mean… not exactly. I did think she was your girlfriend after I saw the two of you atTechthat day. I mean… you kissed her.”
“On theforehead.”
“I didn’t know!”
“I told you I wasn’t with anybody though. You really think we would’ve been doing what we were doing before all this if…?”
I shook my head. “I am the absolutewrongperson to ask a question like that. Remember?”
My question seemed to have the desired intent – reminding him that before my whole life fell apart, the shit was never together to begin with. I was married to someone who didn’t let a silly thing like vows keep him from doing whatever the hell he wanted. And there was little use in pretending as if I were innocent myself – I certainly wasn’t thinking about Kellen’s ass when I was spraying Wick’s cologne in the room to set the mood.
It wasn’t as if I had room – at all – to judge.
Wick scrubbed a hand over his head, looking away instead of answering my question. When he brought his attention back to me, he asked, “You ready to head out? I left you with Mimi while I got my own workout in, but I’m sure you probably want to check out your new digs.”
“Temporary digs,” I corrected – more to make sure he didn’t think I planned to intrude any longer than I absolutelyhadto, than anything else. “And I intended to ask you about that – I thought you were supposed to be protecting me. What if someone had burst into the classroom and grabbed me?”
Wick laughed. “Well, first of all, they would’ve had to make it through Naomi, and they would’ve been biting off more than they could chew with that one. Second, my workout was only about thirty minutes. The rest of the time, I was watching you.”
I frowned. “We were in the classroom by ourselves. Are there cameras in there or something?”
“Yes, there are cameras, but I was just on the other side of the glass. From your side, it was a mirror. From my side, it was a window.”
“So you were watching me through two-way glass? And that doesn’t seem creepy to you?”