Page 86 of Anonymous Acts
This was way too comfortable.
Way,waytoo damn comfortable.
But still, I didn’t move, for fear of disrupting Monica’s state of deep sleep. Well… that, plus the fact that having her in my bed felt good.
She’d showed up at the door to my office around one in the morning. Woken up ready to go at it again around five, and gone back to sleep immediately after. Now, it was damn near ten in the morning, and I’d just opened my eyes, feeling better rested than I had in months.
No matter how contented I was at the moment, nature was calling. I carefully lifted the arm Monica had draped across my stomach, then detangled my legs from hers so that I could climb out of bed to relieve myself.
While I was washing my hands, my stomach started rumbling, protesting the fact that I hadn’t eaten since that lunch the day before. I left the bathroom, doing a mental inventory of my pantry while I threw on boxers and sweats. I wondered if I had the ingredients to make waffles.
Monica liked waffles.
A glance at the bed told me she was still fast asleep, curled in a ball now under the covers. Before I could stop myself, a wide grin had crossed my face. Countless times, I’d imagined this moment, but always with the knowledge that it was outside of my reach.
Only… it wasn’t.
It was right here in my face.
And as much shit as I’d talked – internally and externally – about how having her within arm’s reach would lower my interest… myactualfeelings were the total opposite.
I wasveryfucking interested.
Instead of standing in the doorway staring at her like a creep, I made my way downstairs. Halfway down the staircase, the scent of bacon hit my nose, and I frowned.
“Kay, you down there?” I called, and I relaxed as soon as I heard her distinctive giggle.
“No, it’s a breakfast-making burglar,” was her sarcastic ass response, and I shook my head as I followed the aroma down to the kitchen, where I found Kayla standing in front of the waffle maker, pulling one out to add to a stack that she’d already made.
“To what do I owe the honor of being graced with your presence – and waffles – your majesty?” I asked, stepping beside her to plant a kiss against the side of her head.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, I really just came to grab some clothes, since you’re playing bodyguard, but then I peeked in your office, looking for you, and I saw…”
Holy shit, what did she see?
My thoughts were moving a hundred miles per second, wondering when she’d arrived home, and what it was that she’d seen. Monica on my desk? Me carrying her out?Fuck. Where did I take her panties off? Did I leave them on the office floor?
“This,” Kay finished her statement, reaching under the cabinet for the bottle ofMauveI’d left on the desk last night. I’d been a little too distracted by the woman in my bed to even think about going back for it.
Kay put the bottle down on the counter, then turned to me with her hands propped on her hips.
“What?” I asked, even though I knew damned wellwhat.
She shrugged. “Well… you only pull that bottle out when I’ve done something, or somebody has done something to me. And since nobody is onmybad side, I figure I’m on yours. So... you want to talk about it, or…?”
I narrowed my eyes. “So… bacon and waffles are what… a peace offering?”
“Uh… something like that.”
“Okay, out with it. What did you do that you think I’ve found out about?”
Her eyebrows perked up. “Wait, so… you don’t kno—I mean… so you’re not mad at me?”
“Should I be?”
“Huh?!No,daddy!” she insisted, suddenlywaytoo damned cheerful. “It’s just that I thought thatyouthought that I did something, but I really didn’t, so if you’re cool, I’m cool. We’re cool. Everybody’s cool. I even made a waffle for Monica too.”