Page 98 of Anonymous Acts
“Because that was afantasy,” I hissed back. “This…heisreal.A real live man withrealequipment. Notmyfingers,his. Not a dildo, ahot, hard dick. I… Blake… nobody else has touched me. I lost my virginity to him, when I was a sophomore. Never did anything with anyone else. When we graduated, I married him. So for another fourteen years, no one but him. And now…”
“So, what… it was awkward or something?”
“No.” I pushed out a heavy breath, and closed my eyes. “It was…Godit was amazing. And I don’t even think it was because it had been a while, I thinkhewas just amazing. And I didn’t even think twice about it, Blake. I wanted him. I initiated it. And I lovedevery single second. And then we did it again, and I loved it more. But then… I woke up the next morning, feeling… alien. Like it was someone else in my body, someone else who’d let another man touch, and please them in such a way. Itcouldn’tbe me becauseI just buried my husband.”
“Girl, let itgo,” Blake groaned, sounding exasperated. “Wait – I do not mean to sound so blunt, or like I don’t see where you’re coming from, buthonestly. Let it go. I don’t know that Chad is your “one true love”, or whatever the fuck. What Idoknow is that after he got arrested for fooling with you, claiming he wanted nothing to do with you, and so on… that man over there is… right over there. You feel me? Shifted his workload to makeyourshit his main priority. Rushed his ass to that hospital to see about you. Put you inhishouse to keep you safe. Keeps looking his sexy chocolate ass over here at you like he thinks you’re gonna disappear into thin air.Thisis behavior that you reward.”
I rolled my eyes. “Reward? I should grant him access to my pussy because he’s being nice?”
“Uhh, cut the shit. He’s being quite a bit more than “nice”, and you know it. Stop playing. And, no, I’mnotsaying that you should use pussy as a reward, because pussy is plentiful – he can get that anywhere. I’m saying that, from where I’m sitting, it seems like a dead asshole – sorry – is being given more consideration than the live one with the big dick. And that doesn’t make a ton of sense to me.”
“Hold up,” I said, raising a hand. “I never promised you sense and logic, I saidlunch,bitch. You get what you get.”
“I can tell,” she said, laughing as she picked up her drink for another sip. “Seriously though… Monica, we have watched you… shrink, over the last two years. It’s like when you walked in on him with that girl, part of you perished, and you shifted your focus solely toVivid Vixen. Just, work, work, work, and if you weren’t working, you were half doped up trying to sleep, and if you weren’t wrapped up in that, you were… playing with your pussy on the webcam, or whatever you and Chad were doing.”
She shrugged. “I mean… am I lying on you?”
Instead of answering, I just gave her a blank stare, which she responded to by smirking. “See? Exactly.Anyway,” she kept on, before I could interject, “My point is, I’ve seen you more since all of this than I had in like the whole year before that! And I didn’t even know you could fight, but youliterallysnatched that bitch in the beauty shop by her wig.”
“Wow,” I laughed. “That seems like a lifetime ago.Somuch has happened since then.”
Blake nodded. “It really has. Hate it took a murder and getting choked to see your ass, but here we are.”
“You’ve been spending too much time around Nubia.Entirely.”
“I… am not even going to deny that. The woman is a bad influence, but we love her,” Blake laughed. “But really, Monica. If you can… try to think of all of this as… a rebirth. I know you’re having to make some changes to the company, hiring new people, all of that. I think you should apply that to your personal life too.” She stopped talking to smile. “I still remember when the internet justexplodedwith news about Mykel and where he was putting his dick. While everybody else wasallllover my back about leaving him, and not being stupid, blah, blah… you called and asked me what you could do for me. And then you came all the way to San Diego, and you got me out of bed, and did my nails, and my hair… you remember that?”
I nodded. “I do. I remember the headlines from those pictures when I took you out to lunch looking like new money too. “Blake Hollis Unbothered in La Jolla”.”
“Girl, Mykel was hot about it too!” she giggled. “But I bring that up as just… an example of what I mean when I say you areamazing. I know Kellen’s favorite thing to call you wasbitter.Miserable. And… when it came to him, maybe you were. So fucking what? That’s over. It’s the past. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to smile. You deservegood dick. Okay?”
I laughed. “I… Okay. Okay.”
“Okay,” Blake repeated, with a triumphant smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to catch Mykel before he leaves to get on this plane. I’m ovulating, and he has to shoot up the club while it’s still poppin’.”
“Ah, still working on that baby, huh?”
“Yes. Fingers crossed that this is our month.”
“Your lips to God’s ears,” I told her, standing with her for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Bye honey. Milk him dry.”
She laughed. “I certainly plan on it.”
Once she was gone, Wick didn’t waste any time abandoning his table to join mine.
“I know, I know,” I told him. “You’re tired of wasting away in this stuffy restaurant. I just have to get the check, and then we can go.”
He shook his head. “Actually, I love this place. I came over because weneedto go. I want to take you byFitnessfor another self-defense session before we go back to the house. And I’d like to get there before dark.”
“The gym?”
“Thehouse. Part of protecting a client is being aware of my surroundings. It’s easier to be aware when it’s not dark.”