Page 2 of Ronan
It’s not the best lighting in the bar, and she may only be about five foot two, but I see her the moment she walks through the door––my body can sense her. I see the light brown hair placed in a bun, lose tendrils curled and falling from it. My eyes roam over her body, taking in every inch of her curves. She gorgeous.
She doesn’t see me, but I watch as she greets Diane and some of the regulars. I see the way they look at her, the way they watch her move around the bar. They all want her, but they can’t have her, at least not while I’m in this godforsaken city.
I give her five minutes to put her bag away and get ready and then I follow her through the back. I give a nod to Diane as I pass and she rolls her eyes before turning back to serve one of the regulars.
Leaning against the doorframe, I watch her place her bag in the locker, pull out her phone, and then she smiles at something on her screen.
“What is it that makes you smile like that, sweetheart?”
She spins, almost dropping her phone. Catching herself, she rolls her eyes and turns back to her locker.
“What do you want, Ronan?”
I move into the locker room and close the door. “You know what I want, sweetheart.”
Taking her cell phone out of her hands, I place it in the locker and close it. I turn her and push her back against the locker door.
“Ronan… stop, I have to work.”
I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and cup her cheek. “Do you really want me to stop…” It isn’t a question, I know she doesn’t want me to stop. She leans into my hand, confirming what I already know.
I lean towards her, millimetres from her lips, and I can feel her body shudder with my proximity. Her skin prickles with goosebumps and there is a flush that rises from her chest and up her neck. She wants this just as much as I do.
“You know I want this, Ronan, but I really do have to work, I’m already late. We can’t do this right now.”
I kiss her. I don’t want to hear her blow me off––it’s been four days. I need this, I need her.
I leave my right hand gripping her face, but my left one slides down her front and over her breast until I reach her stomach. I untuck her T-shirt from her shorts and slide my hand under it until I reach her bra, pulling it down under her boob. I tweak her nipple and twist. She hisses and her back arches, and I know she likes this. I move my mouth over her nipple and bite and suck, my hand moving to the other one so I can play with it. Her hands are in my hair, pulling.
As my other hand makes its way to her shorts, I undo the button and slide my hand inside. I run my fingers over the crotch of her panties––she’s soaked, just as desperate for this as I am.
Suddenly, she pushes me back.
“Ronan, stop, we can’t do this now, I have to work.”
I nod. I’m pissed but I get it. “I’ll head back to my hotel and work out. Come to me after closing.”
“I’ll try, but I’m not sure I’ll make it. I really should get home straight after.”
I pin her against the locker with my hand around her throat and kiss her so aggressively that I’m sure it will bruise her lips, but I don’t care.
I tear my lips from hers. “Not a question, sweetheart. I’ll see you after closing.” I kiss her on the forehead and then spin on my heel and leave. She’ll come to me… I know it.
Chapter 2
Tonight has been crazy busy. I managed to drop a quick call to Sandra to check in on Maddie around eleven forty-five, but we were slammed after that.
I know Ronan wants me to go to the hotel when I’m done, but I have to get home, I can’t leave Sandra any longer than I already have.
I’m clearing the bar of dirty glasses when Diane comes up behind me. “So, you and the scary Irish guy… is it serious?”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “No. Ronan and I are just having a little fun, it’s nothing serious… it’s just an outlet.”
“As long as you know what you’re doing. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
I don’t want to talk about this again, and she knows I don’t. I give her a single nod, grabbing the tray of dirty glasses and heading for the back. I stop just as I get to the door, turning my head to call back, “I appreciate your concern, Diane, but I won’t get hurt. We both know where we stand.”