Page 68 of Ronan
I cough to clear away the tears the threaten to spill as she walks by my side to his gave then takes a seat in front of it.
“Hi, Uncle Rory.” That’s all she says as she cuddles into my side, her hand in mine.
I sit there in silent conversation with him before mentally saying my goodbye. I need to pull myself together, it’s Maddie’s birthday, and I’m not quite done with the surprises just yet.
“Okay, let’s go. I have another surprise for you and your momma. What do you say? You ready to go?”
She jumps up, excited to see what’s next. “Okay, what is it? Can you tell me?”
“Well, I thought we could go spend the day in the zoo with all the animals, and Uncle Finn is going to meet us there.”
“Really? Yay. Come on, Momma, come on, Ronan, hurry up.” She grabs my hand, dragging me through the cemetery, and I’m not sure if she’s more excited for the zoo or to see Finn.
Chapter 38
“You’re healing nicely, Miss Hastings.” The doctor looks happy as she looks over my scans and checks my scarring.
“Great. Does that mean I can go back to normal? I’ve spent the last eight weeks being taken care of, sitting around while others do the cooking and cleaning, and I’ve barely even been able to pick Maddie up. Not that she really wants me to, but I’d like to.”
“Steady there, it’s only been eight weeks since the shooting. While you can start to resume some normal activities, I would give it another two weeks before tackling anything too strenuous, just be safe. I wouldn’t want you to set yourself back.”
I sigh, I know she’s right, but I’m frustrated. On top of having people take care of me, Ronan refuses to have any sort of rough sex in case he hurts me. I love that he cares so much, but it’s pissing me off.
“Doctor Sanders, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“My partner and I, we like to have, erm… well, our sex, it gets a little wild sometimes, and I was wondering how long before we can go back to that?”
“You know your limits, Miss Hastings. If you feel comfortable having some vigorous sex, then go for it. I will, however, advise against being tied in a way that may stretch your torso area, and be wary of furniture in case you accidentally knock yourself. As long you know when it’s too much for you then there is no reason you can’t start to get things back to normal.”
I smile, knowing Ronan is going to take a bit of convincing, but I’m not opposed to trying. “Thank you, doctor.”
“No problem, I’ll see you back here in two weeks.”
“Hey, what did the doc say?” Concern is etched across Finn’s face as I climb into the front seat of the car.
“She said I could resume some normal activities, but nothing too strenuous.”
“You wanna go grab some coffee? I promised the munchkin some ice cream.” I spin to face him, a grin plastered across his face.
“Damn it, Finn, will you stop spoiling my child, and stop feeding her ice cream, she bloody hyper enough without the added sugar.”
“Momma, Uncle Finn says we can have ice cream, I want chocolate… mmmm or berry,” Maddie yells excitedly from the back seat. I glare at Finn who just laughs as he starts the car and pulls out into traffic.
“Here you go, Mads, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.”
“Thank you, Uncle Finn.” He places the huge ice cream bowl in front of her and hands me a coffee before taking a seat next to her.
“Have you heard from your brothers?”
“Nah, you know what they are off doing, right?”
“Yeah, Ronan, he told me. He wanted to me to have the facts in front of me so I could make the best choice for Maddie and me.”
“And?” he asks as he helps Maddie with her ice cream. His phone is sitting on the table in front of her, playing some cartoon with a unicorn in.