Page 7 of Ronan
I take a look around my new apartment. It’s not much better than the one I had in Chicago––it’s a lot smaller, the bathroom is right off the kitchen, and it only has one bedroom, but it’s not like I need another bedroom anyway. I just hope my moving to the Bronx doesn’t make things worse with the custody agreement. This was all I could afford. Hell, I’m not even sure I can affordthis.
Shaking off my pity party, I get up to help Diane finish unpacking, so we can order some food. The last thing I ate was a cream cheese bagel at five this morning, and I’m starving.
* * *
I lean my hip against the bar and watch as Dan looks at the row of cocktails in surprise.
“You downplayed your cocktail making skills, Olivia.”
“It’s just Liv, and technically, you asked if I knew how to make a Cosmo, Dark and Stormy, Bloody Mary, a Mojito and an Old Fashioned… you never asked what others I can make.” I give him a smile and turn to clear up the counter.
He laughs and heads to the back corridor, when I can hear men’s voices. They aren’t loud enough for me to make out what is being said, but I note that there are at least three of them. Their accents sound Irish, mixed with an American twang, and it reminds me of Ronan. I smile, remembering our last night together––that was three months ago, and I haven’t slept with anyone since… God, I need sex.
The club is rammed to capacity, and I’ve not stopped since I got here. Dan introduced me to the waitresses, Lucy, Amy, Jess and Cleo, and the other two bartenders, Jack and Rich. I asked why I was the only female bartender and not working the floor, and he said that eventually, I would be, but they like to keep the new girls behind the bar for a while until they are sure we’re a good fit and we’re comfortable with the level of attention it draws.
I’ve just sent Cleo off with a round of champagne cocktails for a bachelorette party in the VIP section, the bar is clear, and I finally have a minute to breathe. I start to wipe down the bar and clear away some of the empty glasses off the top, and I take a moment to scan the club. It’s huge––there are tables along the right when you come through the main entrance, and just past the bar is the corridor to the bathrooms. Along the front wall there are booths, and a row of tables in front of those. To the left of the bar is a dance floor, then above that on a platform is the DJ booth. Thursday night means it’s empty. The bar where I’m standing is directly opposite the booths, and it runs the entire length of the back wall. There’s another corridor to the left of the bar that leads to the stock room, the staff locker rooms, shower rooms, staff toilets, and the owner’s office.
Right next to the entrance to that corridor is the stairs to the top-level balcony, reserved for the owners and their guests. There is nobody up there tonight, but Dan mentioned that it would be busy tomorrow, stating that there would be a bouncer on the steps to ensure nobody gains unauthorised access.
I’m bending down, restocking the under counter fridge with beer and a rapping on the bar pulls my attention. Standing up, I’m thrown when I see two very handsome men smiling at me. They are both over six feet tall, and one has dark brown hair with a slight reddish tint and brown eyes, while the other has bright green eyes and fiery red hair. Despite their difference in appearance, they seem to have the same type of strong facial features, and there is something hauntingly familiar about them.
I give them a smile. “What can I get you, gentlemen?”
They both smile back at me, but it’s the darker haired guy who speaks. “Alright, lass, can we get three double Jamesons and two large glasses of Chablis, please.”
“No problem, gentlemen. Would you like me to bring them to your table?”
The dark haired guy is about to answer when Dan appears, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“I’ll take their drinks, Liv, but let me introduce you to the owners… well, two of them, at least.” He points to the dark haired guy and introduces him as Killian, then points to the red haired guy and introduces him as Finn.
They both smile and shake my hand. Finn winks at me and smiles. “It’s nice to meet you, lass.”
I hold back a laugh when Killian clips him across the head. “Behave. Pay no mind to him, Liv, it’s nice to meet you.” He smiles then turns to Dan. “We’ll be in the office, and she’s polite, don’t corrupt her with your grumpy moods.” They both smile and turn and head down the corridor to the back office. I shake my head and prepare their drinks for Dan to take back to them.
Chapter 5
Forty-five minutes I’ve been sitting in this damn office, listening to Killian and Connor take turns telling me I’m on a path of self-destruction. Finn hasn’t said a word, he just keeps looking between us all, assessing my reaction, occasionally giving me a look of pity. I don’t think he means to, I’m not even sure he realises he’s doing it, but either way it’s pissing me off.
I need a drink. I wonder how pissed they’d be if I just got up. I look back at my brothers just as Killian takes his next turn… hmmm, yeah, they’d be pissed. Maybe I should text Dan to bring me a drink?
I turn to the wall of monitors to look for Dan when I suddenly see her walk into the bar right from the very corridor just outside the office door. What the fuck is she doing here? Did she follow me? The questions swirl, but the more I watch her, the more the air around me settles. My brothers’ rants fade away, and I feel a calm settle over me, something I’ve not felt since the night in Chicago I spent with her.
I have so many questions, but right now, the only thing I want to do is fuck her right there on top of that damn bar.
Time fades the longer I watch her, and I’m brought back to reality when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Killian standing over me, his expression a mix of concern and amusement.
“You okay there, Ro?”
I bat his hand away from my shoulder. “Fuck off, Kill.”
He looks at the wall of monitors and I see the corner of his mouth curl up into a smirk, just as Finn sinks his arse next to me on the sofa. Putting his arm around me, he looks to the monitors then back to me.
“You like, big brother? Her name is Liv…” I glare at him as he continues. “She’s been here for three weeks now, moved from Chicago, something you would have known if you’d been around instead of on a killing spree.”
I push him away from me and rise from the sofa, but he keeps talking. “I met her during her first shift. She’s nice, polite, and oh so very hot…”