Page 1 of Finn
Chapter 1
I roll my neck from side to side, cracking it to ease some of the tension. I lean back in my chair and sigh. I hate working at Rory’s desk, using his equipment, but we needed to upgrade our entire security system since we found out Josie, one of our former bar managers, was working with Liam and J. She’d planted bugs in and around the club, feeding them whatever sliver of information she could.
I can’t do the upgrades from my laptop, so I’ve been at his desk for almost two days straight, and the longer I sit here, the more I feel the ghost of him surrounding me. This is his domain, not mine. I might have more skill than my brothers, but Rory, he was the expert––he could do this shit in his sleep.
I let the ghost of my brother and the memories of a day that will forever be ingrained in my brain suffocate me until my phone dings with an alert, letting me know someone’s location and they aren’t where they should be. I reach out for my phone and flip it over.
“What the fuck…”
Confusion and anger ripple through me as I search through my contacts, hitting call on the one I’m looking for.
“Care to explain why Cara is in London and not in Ireland?” I don’t give Seamus time to even get out a greeting before I storm in with my question.
“Well, hello to you too, Finn––”
“Just fucking answer the question.”
He sighs down the phone, taking a moment before responding.
“I was gonna call you once she was in the air. I had to change her flight, I can’t explain everything over the phone, but things aren’t good here, man. I needed to get her out of here, and quick.”
My back straightens, and concern grips at me. “What’s going on, Seamus? Is she okay?”
“Look, she’s fine, she’ll be there in about twelve hours. She has extra security with her, who have been instructed on where to take her.”
“I don’t like this, Seamus; you need to tell me what’s going on––”
He cuts me off, his thick Irish accent only increasing with the frustration in his tone. “Like I said, I can’t tell you over the phone. I plan to be in New York in a few days, just make sure she’s safe until I get there. Do not let her meet anyone alone, and that includes my family.”
He ends the call, not giving me a chance to respond. I’m about to call him back when my phone dings with a message from him.
She lands 21:30 your time. Her security will take her direct to your house.
I promise I’ll explain everything when I get there. Just make sure you take care of her.
I don’t bother responding. I’m insulted that he thought he needed to tell me that not only are we to be married in two weeks, but she’s carrying my kid.
I check my watch. It’s nine a.m. I scrub my hands across my face, then give my head a shake. I can’t be distracted by Cara and her family right now, I need to get these security upgrades finished, so I’m back at the house for when she arrives.
* * *
I’m pacing my kitchen, coffee in hand. She should have been here an hour ago. My nerves are shot. I slam my cup down on the counter and head into my home office.
It’s nothing special in here, Rory wanted me to make changes, given he was showing me his skills, and he said I needed a better office and better equipment, but I never quite got around to it, and now that he’s gone, I have no desire to do anything in here.
It's a large room, the walls are cream, and the left-hand wall as you enter is lined with bookshelves, most of it is empty, save for the odd book. There is a large chair next to the shelves that I added when Liv and Maddie came into our lives, when Ronan met the former in Chicago when he was on one of his killing sprees. Maddie would often fall asleep in the chair while I worked.
I stride over to my desk and unlock the safe underneath, pulling out my gun. I check that its loaded and head out. Just as I throw the front door open, two blacked out SUVs pull up.
I stand on the top step, just outside the front door, as I watch her security team check her surroundings. Knowing I’m watching doesn’t stop them, it only makes them appear more vigilant, as they should be––it’s what they are being paid for.
Her door opens and she swings her legs out before stepping out of the car. She keeps her head lowered, her dark hair in a messy bun, loose pieces falling around her face and shoulders. She’s covered in a black leather jacket, a black tee, dark blue skinny jeans that hugs her curves, and black combat style boots.
I watch her, waiting for her to look up at me, but she doesn’t. One of her security guys goes to her and places a hand on her arm, and my blood instantly starts to boil. I’ll give him exactly six seconds to remove his hand or I’ll cut it off, right before I slit his throat.
I breathe as I count down in my head. Six, five, four, three…