Page 52 of Finn
This room is solely for my use, so we’re good to stay here all night if we want to. Once our food is finished, I clear away the table, placing the dishes back into the dumbwaiter. Then I make a cup of tea for us both, while Cara curls up on the sofa watching me.
I hand her the cup and take a seat next her, pulling her to my side. “Princess, can we talk about tonight now?”
“Of course.”
“I need you to tell me where your head is at. Can you tell me how you’re feeling about what happened in that room?”
She turns so she can look at me, then throws her legs over mine. I’m on edge as she takes a sip of her tea, making me wait a little longer than I’d like.
“I don’t know if I should feel ashamed…”
“Never. There is nothing we do that you should feel ashamed about. If it is something you like, or something you want to just try, or something you decide you don’t like, you own it. Never feel ashamed.”
“Jeez, let a girl finish, will ya?” She leans forward, placing a chaste kiss on my lips when I raise my eyebrows at her sass. “As I was saying, I don’t know if I should feel ashamed by what we did in there, but I don’t. I enjoyed every minute. Just knowing that I was being watched made me feel like I was going to combust. I’ve never been so turned on in all my life, Finn. And I really want to do it again sometime, that is if you’re okay with it?”
I place my cup on the floor and cradle her face, pulling her to me, our noses touching. “Fuck, baby, yes it’s okay with me. I love making you come apart in front of others.”
“What if I said I wanted to try other things too?”
“All you have to do, baby, is tell me what they are, and we can talk through them and decide what we’re both comfortable with trying.”
She curls into me, wrapping her arms around me. I gently run my hands down her hair as she drifts off to sleep, all thoughts of discussions tabled for when she’s more up to it. Got to say though, fuck am I excited to see what she wants to try. Some things may not be possible with her being pregnant, but I’d try my hardest to give her every experience she asks for.
Chapter 35
I have beers in the fridge and pizza already ordered for later. We’ve arranged a game night, just the four of us, so we can talk to Finn.
We’re hoping to encourage him to tell us about what it was really like growing up. We know that he hasn’t told us everything, but we want him to. We want him to feel like he can be honest with us.
The truth is though, this is probably more to do with me than it is him.
Buttoning up my jeans and throwing a black tee over me, I grab the towel and rub at my wet hair, when I hear the front door open. I’m not worried, I locked it before I jumped in the shower, so I know it’s at least one of my brothers.
Not bothering with shoes, my bare feet slap on the bare wood floors as I make my way to the front room where I have everything set up.
As I enter the front room, Ronan is shrugging off his jacket and places it over the back of the sofa. My eyebrows raise when I take in the sight of Maddie curled up on the sofa, half asleep, in her pjs. I noticed her skin looks pale and her eyes are dull.
“Hi, Uncle Killian.” She gives me a sad little greeting when she sees me.
“Hey there, little lady. You not staying with your ma tonight?” I grab a seat next to her, reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear. I realise she’s sporting a temperature, and I glance up at Ronan, giving him a questioning look.
He shakes his head at me, and I notice how frazzled he looks. “She’s had a fever since yesterday. Doc say’s its nothing to worry about. He reckons it’ll pass soon. Some little shit at school has some virus and passed it on––half the school’s out. I was gonna cancel, but I want to be here, and the munchkin here wanted to see you guys. Hope that’s okay?”
I take the blanket off Maddie then lift her into my arms, cradling her to me. “You don’t need to ask. She’s family, man. I’d be more pi… mad if you’d just left her.” I catch myself before I swear in front of her. It’s not that she copies, but the kid is a hustler. You swear, she makes you pay. I look down at her, tipping her head back a little so she can look at me. “Do you want anything, little lady? Or do you need anything?”
She gives me a small shake of her head. “No thank you.”
“You wanna stay down here with us for a bit?” I ask her.
“Is it okay?”
“Absolutely. Finn will be so excited to see you.” She gives me a small smile then drops her head, the kid is exhausted.
Almost two hours later, Ronan is kicking our arses in poker, and Maddie is sound asleep on Finn’s knee.
Ronan wins another round just as there is a knock on the door. Connor heads to the kitchen to grab more beers, as I head to the door to grab the food. Finn follows me out with Maddie in his arms. “I’m just gonna put her down, brother. I’ll be back.” I give him a look of confusion, but he just chuckles and tips his head to the door. Less three seconds later, Ronan follows him up the stairs. I let out a laugh as I grab the pizzas, I didn’t think he’d be far behind.
Once we’re back at the table, I connect my phone to the TV, and Maddie’s sleeping form fills the screen. Ronan gives me a nod as Connor deals the next hand.