Page 5 of Saddle Stalker
“Get a room.” A voice from somewhere around us called out, bringing me back to reality. I pulled away from her slowly, her lips clinging to mine as she begged for more. God, her body was as hungry for touch as my own. It had been too long since I’d been with a woman—way too fucking long.
I sighed heavily and for the first time wished like hell I was here for pleasure instead of business, because I’d like nothing more than to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening sitting by her side, holding her, kissing her, and finding out everything I needed to know about her life. And I wanted to know everything.
I’d told her I was depraved, but that was only scratching the surface of what all I wanted to do to her. Skylar would soon find out just how twisted my desires for her were. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when.
Chapter Six
Rhett Walker was everything I’d ever wanted in a man, except for one blinding truth. He wasn’t a cowboy.
I’d dreamed of being with a cowboy for so long, that I’d closed myself off to every other guy that came close to me. They weren’t exactly what I’d wanted, so I’d date them just to see if they could change my mind and none of them ever did. A few hours around Rhett, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he could change everything, and it scared the shit out of me.
That kiss shook me to my core. It soaked my panties and melted my insides. Rhett took me by the hand, sending even more shock waves through my body as he led me around the fair.
He asked me questions about my life, and he seemed genuinely interested in all I had to say. Not once did I see him look at another woman, though I saw many women looking at him with obvious appreciation. I couldn’t blame them though, Rhett was hot.
His body was strong and muscular, his broad shoulders were as impressive as the rest of him. His thighs made my mouth water with need. I love a man’s thighs, and when you put those thighs in a tight pair of Wranglers, I turned to mush.
If his rocking body wasn’t enough, his firm square jaw was clean shaven, his lips were perfect, and his taste was addictive. I’d had a taste when he kissed me, and like a junkie, I craved my next fix.
Why did he affect me so much? Love was a myth. I’d seen that firsthand with my parents that it didn’t really exist. Before mom ever took off, she and dad constantly fought over everything. I was young, but I still remember the yelling. I was convinced that the most you could hope for was finding someone you could stand to be around and hope you have the same goals in life.
I think that’s part of the reason I wanted a cowboy. City living was fine, but I wanted to have room to breathe. Dad did his best, but he was overprotective and overbearing, sometimes in the worst of ways.
‘That’s not a real major, Skylar. If you want me to help pay for school, you need to have a real major, like business or nursing. Making clothes won’t get you anywhere.’
I’d argued with my dad for weeks, but he won. I had to major in business or nursing, neither of which I had any interest in, and between those two choices, I’d chosen business because the sight of blood makes me queasy. I have a hard time even watching movies that have a lot of gore in them, so my only option was no option at all. Business.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Rhett asked, noticing I’d gone quiet. I wondered what he’d think about my situation and my desire to make clothes? Would he scoff at me, like my father had? The only one that seemed to support my dream was Serena, but she had her own life to worry about. I still couldn’t believe she was a stepmom now and pregnant with her first child. It seemed crazy to me.
“My thoughts aren’t even worth that much right now.” I gave him a small, self-deprecating smile.
“Come here.” He pulled me toward one of the game booths. It was the game where you shoot water into a target and the prize rises up to the top.
Rhett sat down and guided me to the stool beside him.
“You both playing?” The game attendant asked.
“Yes, sir. How do you win the big prize?” Rhett nodded toward a huge, thirty-six inch, pink and brown spotted cow stuffed animal.
“You have to beat more than five players to get the bigger stuffed animals.”
There were two other people sitting down the row of chairs, waiting for more people to go against them. I shook my head, “These games are rigged.”
Rhett shrugged, “I’m going to win you that cow, and when I do, you’re going to tell me why you went all quiet back there.”
“And if you don’t win me that cow?” He was too cocky, but I loved how assured of himself he was. He exuded confidence and power, something I’ve never had much of myself.
“If I don’t…” he leaned forward and whispered in my ear. I felt my face heating up with his entirely too tempting suggestion. I was torn, part of me wanted him to win because that pink cow was really cute and I’d never had anyone win me something at a carnival before, but the other part of me, a bigger part than I expected, hoped he’d lose.
When Rhett leaned back, his eyes were full of promise and mischief. God, he was handsome. I decided I wanted him to lose because finding a photo booth for privacy and unmentioned pleasures was not in any way a losing situation.
“You in?” He grinned at me, a small dimple showing in his cheek.
“Yes. I’m in.” Three more players lined up on the stools for a full house of participants. If he won against us all, he’d get the big cow, if he lost, I’d be getting a big ‘O’.
Rhett won the cow. She was huge and squishy, and I loved her. When the attendant handed the pink cow over to Rhett, he turned her over to me.
“You’re welcome, and the name fits.” I felt his hand at the small of my back as he guided me through the crowd. I quickly learned the bad part of winning these huge stuffed animals was they were hard to carry.