Page 22 of Maid To Tempt
“Honestly Sprite, I don’t know.” She looked dejected and I hated that look on her face. I wasn’t easing her nerves any, and I really wanted to make her feel better. “Hold on.”
I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone opening the video chat app and hitting call.
“Hey, Oliver. I thought you had forgotten about me?” My mom said when she appeared on the screen. I met Luna’s curious gaze over the top of the phone.
“Mom,” I said watching as Luna’s eyes got big as saucers. “My girlfriend needs your opinion.”
“Girlfriend?” She sat up straighter, her voice full of surprise. I’d never introduced my mom to anyone that I’d called girlfriend. That was a level of commitment I wasn’t ready to make before I met Luna. I wanted it all with her.
“Yeah, she’s going with me to the team’s meet and greet and a press conference. She’s nervous about what to wear, and I told her she could wear a sack cloth for all I cared.”
“Oh well, I’m happy to help your girlfriend. What’s her name?”
“Luna. Here you go.” I pressed the button so the camera would flip the other direction and so my mom could see Luna standing there in her maroon and purple handkerchief dress.
“Hi Mrs. Blake.” Luna said smiling softly. “I’m sorry to intrude on your day, but your son doesn’t have a clue what I should wear and I’ve tried on all the dresses I bought.” Her shoulders fell. “I’m almost tempted let him go by himself.”
“Not happening. I will throw you over my shoulder and put you in the car if I have to.” I spoke up.
“What you have on is lovely, but it is a little too casual for anything dealing with the press.”
“That’s what I thought.” She grabbed the black dress that was just a plain simple sleek dress. “What about this?”
“No, none of those seem right for this. They are all lovely, but you need something that screams femininity, power, and confidence without being a suit or something you would, I’m sorry dear, but wear to a funeral. Have you looked in the upstairs closet?”
“I believe I left clothing in the upstairs master closet. You might see if you can fit into any of that. If not, let me know your size and I can have stuff sent to the house.”
“That’s too much trouble Mrs. Blake.”
“Nonsense dear. I’m happy to help. Check the closet to see if there’s anything you’d like to wear.”
“Yes ma’am. Thank you.”
When Luna disappeared up the stairs, I flipped the camera back around to talk with my mom. “She’s beautiful.”
“I know.” I smiled. “I really like her mom.”
“Since you’re introducing her to me, I can tell. She’s young though.”
I sighed, “I know that too. Trust me, I know.”
“People will talk about the age difference. Are you prepared for that?”
“I don’t care what people think. I never have mom. As long as she and I are happy.” I shrugged.
“Good for you. I can’t wait to meet her in person. Now, hurry up and tell me what size she wears. I’ll have some clothes sent over in her size so she doesn’t have to stress about it.”
I smiled, “You devious woman. I love you.” I sat up and grabbed the sizes from the clothes and shoes she had tried on.
Mom smiled and wrote down the sizes as I read them to her. “I’ll take care of everything.”
“You’re the best. Thanks mom.”
“Just hurry up and give me grandbabies to spoil.”
“I’m working on it.” I laughed. A week ago I would have groaned and said not that again, but everything changed when I met Luna. “Love you mom.”