Page 9 of Maid To Tempt
“Yeah. It does.”
We were quiet for a few minutes. I enjoyed feeling her body against mine, and even through the seriousness of our conversation, my need for her had not waned.
She took a deep breath, her hand on my chest, “Daddy?”
I closed my eyes and tried to control the my temptation to spread her legs and make her scream that name at the top of her lungs as I pounded into her. “Yeah, Baby.”
“I still want you.”
“I want you too, Sprite, but I don’t have condoms.”
“We can’t risk it?”
“We could, i’m more than happy to risk it baby, but as much as i need you and need to come. You’re sure to get pregnant. I’ll get condoms tomorrow and when you come over for your lesson, we’ll be better prepared.”
She poked her bottom lip out, and I reached up to glide my thumb across her full lower lip. “I should go then.”
“Because.” She shrugged and moved to get up off of my lap, but I held her still against me not ready to lose the feel of her in my lap or against my skin.
“Stop. Why do you all of the sudden need to go?”
“You worked me up since the second I walked into this house, and now you aren’t going to ease the ache, so I’m going to go take care of it myself.”
I laughed because she was pouting and spunky and fucking perfect. I shifted us both and rolled her undernath me until i was half covering her body.
“I told you, Sprite, your orgasms are mine now. I give them to you, and I let you give them to yourself.” I picked up her hand from the bed and brought her fingers to my lips kissing them before pulling two of them into my mouth and sucking on them. She sucked in a sharp breath her eyes widening.
I pulled her fingers from my mouth guided them down to her sweet pussy, pushing up off of her so I could see down the length of her body. “You want to get off. I want to watch. Show me how you touch yourself, and I’ll show you how I touch myself when I think of you.”
Her eyes slid down to where my hand was moving along my length. She hadn’t moved her fingers yet, they were still where i’d placed them at the top apex of her thighs. She didn’t move them, but she didn’t take them away either.
“Play with yourself Luna.” I groaned seeing her arousal coat her fingers was spurring me on. It took her a few moments to get over her self-consciousness, but when she did, her fingers moved in circular motion around her clit as she played with herself. I watched, my cock in hand, stroking myself as she brought herself closer to an orgasm.
When her breathing sped up and her toes started to curl, I knew she was close. I moved quickly pulling her fingers away from her pussy. She whimpered in protest, but that was short lived as i replaced her fingers with my tongue.
Her cream was sweet and tangy, and her hips rolled against my mouth as she tried to ride my tongue over the crest of her orgasm. I ground my dick into the bedding as I licked her delicious pussy, thrusting my tongue as deep as I could before pulling out and sucking her clit into my mouth, flicking it with my tongue. I did that twice before her hands tunneled through my hair, her legs tightened around my head and her hips bucked against me as she came.
“DADDY, don’t stop.” She begged, and I gave her what she needed. I pushed one finger into her gently. Her body squeezing my digit tightly as the waves of her orgasm continued to roll through her.
I added another finger and kept lapping at her sweetness. My body was wound as tight as a fucking cork. It wouldn’t take but a few pumps of my dick send me over. One day I’d be able to bury myself inside her so deep I’d never find my way out. I was obsessed with every inch of this woman. When i added a second finger inside her, she tensed again. I pumped my fingers and lapped at her clit before sucking her clit again. She groaned and screamed, her body writhing as she flew apart again.
I couldn’t stop myself. I needed to mark her as mine in some way. If I couldn’t cum in her, I was was going to cum on her.
Quickly, I pushed up on my knees and stroked my cock, smearing her juices from my fingers over the length of my rigid shaft. One. Two. Three pumps and I let go. Ropes of my white cum landed across her shaven mound and lower belly. Not where I wanted it, but God I needed that little bit of relief.
It was latewhen I got home, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. The smile on my face was in no danger of fading anytime soon. My virginity was still in tact, but I’d almost lost it tonight. The only thing that stopped me was he wanted to put a baby in me, and I wasn’t sure that I was ready for that. Especially since he was who he was. Oliver freaking Blake. I’d done my social media search of him, and until last Christmas when he was on a cruise with some unknown woman, he had been on the arm of models and actresses.
I was unknown, but more than that, I was still only eighteen years old. If he got me pregnant, we’d be tied together for the rest of our lives and what if he got bored with me? I wasn’t like the normal women he dated, he’s unlocked a need in me I never even knew I had. How would people respond to the fact that I called him Daddy? How would my family respond?
There were so many questions swirling in my mind, and I was glad that he had asked me if I was sure before we went all the way because the truth was, I wasn’t. I knew I wanted him in a way i’d never wanted anyone before. I craved the man like a hot fudge sundae, and being in his arms, talking to him tonight was beyond amazing. I was falling for him hard and fast, but I was also scared to death of the ins and outs of our relationship.
I went into my bedroom, Gabby was there with her earbuds in as she sang softly. Evie wasn’t home and I was glad for it. I needed to talk to Gabby alone. She was four years older than me, and maybe she’d have some advice and wisdom because I felt way in over my head here.