Page 11 of Santa's Bad Girl
Chapter Six
My heart felt likeit could beat right out of my chest. Butterflies danced in my stomach as I followed him through the family room and to his bedroom.
The bed was huge and took up most of the room. I guess I was expecting mirrors on the ceiling and a stripper pole or one of those sex swings that Serena had gotten from the gift exchange. He owned a sex club, so that’s what I was anticipating. Instead, it looked like a simple, normal bedroom.
He had a dark wood four poster bed with a canopy and the bedding was maroon and chocolate brown. It was simple and masculine but not boring and plain. I took a deep breath as he pulled me closer to the bed.
I wanted this, but I was also worried if I would be bad at sex and if he would even want to see me again afterward. My mind was buzzing, and I wished he would just go ahead and kiss me again. Things had been so much easier when I was lost in his embrace and not worrying about everything else.
“I can see the wheels in your head spinning a mile a minute, Sweetness.” He reached up and slid his thumb across my cheekbone before gently placing a kiss on my lips.
The kiss was feather light, not the hard all-consuming kiss we’d shared earlier. It was sweet and tender, meant to tempt and tease not ignite.
“If you don’t like something I do to you, say stop. Never be afraid to tell me to stop, Kendall. If you want me to slow down and let you catch your breath, tell me. If you want more, let me know. Don’t be afraid of the unknown, and don’t be embarrassed by what turns you on. There’s nobody here but me. I’ll never do anything to hurt you beyond what you want and ask for. Okay?”
I nodded my understanding, but Damian wanted more. He wanted my words, “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He kissed my head and stepped back so he could turn down the bed before he came back to me. “Do you want to undress me first, or do you want me to undress you?”
I licked my lips and told him I wanted to undress him first. He gave me permission and stood in front of me while I reached up to unbutton the long sleeved, black chambray shirt he was wearing. My breath caught when I spread the fabric of his shirt and caught a glimpse of his chest. He was hard with muscles. His abs were dissected in two with three defined pairs.
His shoulders were wide and covered with ink. Tattoos covered his arms the images were colorful and beautifully done. I always wanted a tattoo but could never get the courage to go through with it.
“You want to do the rest, or you want me to?” His voice broke into my thoughts bringing me out of my musings.
“I can do it.”
“Okay. Leave my underwear on for now.”
I nodded my head and let out a breath of relief. Slow and steady wins the orgasm. I tried to make a joke in my head, but I was so nervous I couldn’t really laugh. My fingers brushed against his stomach when I reached for his belt, his stomach sucked in, and he hissed in a breath.
“I’m sorry. Are my hands cold?”
“No, Sweetness.” He took my hands and placed them on his chest. Heat radiated up my palms and electricity slid across my skin at the feel of his skin under my hands.
Damian held my wrists as he slid my palms down his body to his belt. “I love the feel of your hands on my skin, Kendall. It feels incredible. I can’t wait until you have the confidence to touch and take what you need from me.”
His desire was written in his slate gray eyes. “I want that too.”
“Then take off my pants, and we’ll go from there.”
I did what he said, unbuckling his black leather belt and pushing his jeans down his hips. He toed out of his shoes and socks, so he could step out of his jeans when the fell to his ankles.
He was hard all over, and his boxer briefs were tented and stretched with the long length of his cock. I took a deep breath and looked away from him. I could feel my face flush with heat, but I also felt that tingling between my legs that I felt when we were at the Blake’s home.
“Here,” Damian took my waist and turned me to sit on the bed. I watched as he leaned down in front of me and started to unzip my boots. He removed both and my socks setting them aside with his clothes.
When he stood up in front of me again, his cock was in my line of sight. I bent my neck back to look him in the eyes as he reached for the hem of my shirt.