Page 15 of Santa's Bad Girl
Chapter Eight
Ilost count of howmany orgasms I’d had. All I knew was my body felt heavy and languid. I felt different, and I was nervous that going to my parent’s house they would see the difference on me.
I felt like someone else completely, like a part of me had been missing for far too long, and I didn’t think it was just the sex. Damian made me feel complete, like I wasn’t a step out of sync. I felt safe with him, and like he was ready to help me discover a new part of myself.
It was liberating and terrifying all at the same time. I sighed and wrapped the big fluffy towel around my body as I got out of the shower. Damian was still in there; he’d helped wash me and then made me dirty again before washing me one more time. My legs felt like goo, and my pussy felt full—like he was still there.
“Hey, can we stop by my apartment before we head to pick up my car and go to my parent’s house? I want to change clothes and grab their presents.”
“Yeah.” He slid up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I’d like for you to pick up some clothes to come back here tonight too.”
“Mmm,” I turned in his arms and looped my arms around his neck, “I think that can be arranged, but I may not be able to do much tonight.” I laughed at myself “I ache in places I didn’t know existed.”
He laughed and dropped a kiss on my mouth and held me close, “That sounds like a job for the hot tub.”
“Man, if it wasn’t Christmas, I’d say let’s skip this and go straight to the hot tub because that sounds amazing.”
“Christmas or not, Sweetness, we need to get going before I rip the towel off of you and forget that you’re sore.”
I turned from his arms and took off running to the bedroom, Damian was laughing and right behind me as he chased me across the bed. When he caught me, he pinned me down with his naked, wet body and kissed me breathless.
My heart was so near to bursting that it took everything in me not to use the L word. I didn’t want to use it too soon, but I was certain that’s exactly what I was feeling. There were doubts in the back of my mind though that said it was brain fog from amazing sex. It was hard to quiet the doubts in my mind.
Damian groaned and rested his head on my shoulder. “If we don’t leave now, we are never getting out of this bed much less the bedroom.” He kissed me once more, quickly before hoisting himself off me and pulling me off the bed.
I sighed and reached for my jeans. My underwear from the night before were still damp from my arousal, so there was no putting them back on.
“Hang on.” Damian stayed my hand as I was about to slip into my jeans.
I watched his muscular ass as he walked away not caring that his body was on full display for my viewing pleasure. he was so confident, and I loved that about him. I envied his self-assurance.
“Here, put these on.” He handed me the panties I’d gotten from the gift exchange the night before.
I laughed, “I’m not wearing vibrating panties to Christmas dinner with my family.” I threw them back at him.
“Panties are panties,” he shrugged. “I’ll even be a gentleman and leave the remote here.”