Page 2 of Santa's Bad Girl
“Not anymore you aren’t,” Serena piped in. “You can come to the Christmas party at my house, we would love to have you join in. If you don’t have plans on Christmas Eve that is?”
I bit my lip and prepared to say no, but “Ok great,” came out of my mouth before I could stop it. “What do I need to bring?”
There were shared looks around the table that I didn’t understand, like they all had a piece of a puzzle I didn’t quite have.
“We do a white elephant gift exchange every year after the kids go to sleep. It’s an adult gift exchange, so it can be funny, raunchy, sexy, romantic, or something that is just totally out there. Whatever gets a good laugh would be stolen by more than one person is typically something safe to bring.”
“Ok.” I hesitated, “Sounds fun, but am I going to be the only single person there?”
“No, you won’t be the only one.” Serena smiled, “There’s a Christmas party at Club Deviance tonight though, you don’t have to bring a gift, but it could give you a few ideas on what types of gifts you should bring.”
“Ok,” I was confused, “I’m supposed to go to this party without a gift, but it will give me ideas about what to bring?”
“Exactly. Trust me, you’ll have fun. We would be going, but three of us are pregnant and have kids, the other two have to go to a work function Christmas party, so none of us will be going tonight even though we all want to go.”
“What kind of club is this, and how have I never heard of it?”
“It’s an adult only club, and it doesn’t advertise. People hear about it by word of mouth. Here,” Serena tapped her phone to mine and sent me the address to the club on the outskirts of town. “Since you’re not a member, you won’t be able to get all access, but you can go into the main part of the club. It’s always hopping anyway.”
“I’ll think about it.” I shrugged and picked up my hot chocolate taking a small sip.
“You should go. You’ll have fun.”
Chapter Two
“You should go theysaid. You’ll have fun.” I muttered to myself the second I walked in the door to Club Deviance. “Oh my God, what the hell have they got me into?”
To say I was in shock was the understatement of the century. How did I not know there was a freaking sex club in Sunset Falls? The bouncer at the front door took my ID and gave me a bracelet marking me as a non-member. I felt like a teenager again going into a club and getting both my hands stamped so that I couldn’t buy anything at the bar, not that that happened often or that I even tried. I was a good girl, preacher’s kid. I wasn’t the wild child like my sister was.
“Holy moly.” I gasped when I saw a woman dressed as a sexy elf in barely there elf lingerie that showed off every inch of her body. I could see so much of her through her outfit that I swear I could see she had a bikini wax and a piercing.
My heart was pounding in my ears as I watched a couple start having sex on a makeshift platform. She was wearing a wide Christmas bow across her breasts, a red thong, white stockings that went to her thighs and were held up by a garter belt and red sexy heels.
The man behind her was just wearing Santa pants, and I flinched when he cracked his hand across her ass leaving a red handprint behind. “Nope.” I shook my head and turned running right into Santa.