Page 7 of Santa's Bad Girl
My face was flaming red when we walked out of the office and into the big family room where the other guests were. When we walked in with his arm possessively around my waist, I got a bunch of grins and knowing looks from the other women in the room.
I groaned softly and shut my eyes, so embarrassed. Could they tell that I’d just had the only man induced orgasm of my life through my clothes with nothing more than kiss, groping, and rubbing? If a hole would have opened up right then and there, I would have been grateful.
“Nobody will say anything, Sweetness.” Damian whispered in my ear. “Serena and Tyson have their kinks just like the rest of them. Well, except Lexi and Maddox they are pretty vanilla, but his cuffs do come into play sometimes.”
I choked on my own gasp and started coughing. Damian rubbed my back and pulled me closer to his side. “I love that you are so innocent, Sweetness. The only place I want you to be naughty is in my bed.”
“I’m not sure I can be what you want.” I whispered to him shyly.
“I’m sure that you are exactly who and what I want, Kendall. I’ve been driving myself crazy looking for you over the last five days. I was even going to try and hire a private investigator to try and find you.”
I chuckled softly, “Really?”
“Really. I don’t chase women, but I’d chase you to the ends of the Earth.”
My heart melted at the sincerity in his voice. I was awkward and embarrassed myself around him, but he never made me feel anything less that beautiful and good about myself. He was so different than anyone I’d ever met before, and it excited me.
Damian didn’t leave my side the rest of the evening, and occasionally he would give me glances and place his hand somewhere discreetly on my body, even if he was talking to someone else, just so he could let me know he was there.
We didn’t arrive as a couple, but by the time the evening was starting to wrap up and we did the white elephant gift exchange, I felt like we were just like any of the other couples there.
“Which one did you bring?” Damian leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“That’s cheating, Santa Man.” I laughed, “You’ll just have to make a guess.”
My bag had a winter snow globe on it, and inside there was a nice bottle of Champagne and his and her flutes. I thought they were funny, the one for her had a figure of a naked woman on it and where her boobs would have been was covered by Christmas ornaments and her bikini area was covered with a present. The one for him was the same, but instead of a present he was covered by a Christmas tree.
Funny, plus adult without going too far beyond what I was comfortable with around people that I knew but didn’t know. Damian had drawn number one, so he was the first person to get to choose. While he was picking his present from the table, he looked at me. I tried to keep my face from moving, but poker wasn’t my game. When he got to my gift, he must have read me like a book because he picked up the snow globe bag with a satisfied smile.
“Not fair.” I muttered when he sat back down beside me.
He leaned over and placed his thumb under my chin, his mouth just a breath away from mine, “All’s fair in love and sex, Sweetness.” His voice was low enough so only I could hear him, but he kissed me gently in front of the group.
Damian didn’t break the kiss until there were a few giggles and a cleared throat from one of the guys in the group. I blushed again when I looked at the excited smiles of the women in the group, each of them were sitting with their men, like I was with Damian and like us the men were all touching their wives in some way, whether holding their hand, their arm around their chair, or playing footsies they were all openly affectionate, and I liked that. You could tell this room was filled with love and respect for their partners and their friends.
We watched as Damian pulled the white and blue tissue paper from the bag uncovering the bottle of Champagne and the two flutes.
He reached in with a grin and held up the bottle for the group, and when he pulled the flutes out, he looked at the picture on the front of the box and laughed, “I’d love you to put your present under my tree, Sweetness.”
The group laughed and moved on to number two which was Lexi. She went and grabbed a medium sized flat box from the center and unwrapped it revealing a booklet of sexy coupons and a leather collar that had a charm dangling from it that said mine and matching leather cuffs.
“We’ll make good use of those coupons.” Maddox grinned and slid his hand over Lexi’s knee and squeezing it gently.
Dax went next, “Sorry, but I think I want those coupons for myself besides you’ve got cuffs of your own.” The group laughed as he snatched up Lexi’s gift forcing her to go pick another one.
She grabbed a small bag this time, and when she opened it there were a pair of nipple clamps and a vibrating cock ring. “I’m not putting that on my dick.” Maddox grumbled and the group laughed. “Y’all are laughing, but you haven’t been called to a scene where a guy has one of those stuck on his junk.”
My side hurt after he finished explaining the scene he’d walked in on. We were all laughing so hard we were afraid we would wake the kids.
Tyson was next and grabbed a bag when he looked inside, he grinned at Damian before pulling out an expensive bottle of scotch. “I knew I could count on you, Savage.”
“Technically I brought it so I could get it for myself, but Champagne is better.” he pulled me closer into his side.
“Who’s next?”
“That would be me.” I got up from my seat, afraid to go into the pile I walked over to Tyson and plucked the scotch from him. The group roared with laughter, and a proud look crossed Damian’s face as I went back to my seat.
“Dammit. Ok, fork over those coupons Dax.” Tyson held out his hand and robbed Dax of the coupons.