Page 104 of Edge of Midnight
“I know the Colfax.” Connor said. “It houses the music department. Erin and I have been up there to see Cindy’s concerts.”
“Do you remember anything else?” Davy asked. “Anything at all?”
Liv squeezed her eyes shut and racked her brain. Reluctantly, she shook her head. “It never occurred to me that you all didn’t know that, or I would have said something sooner,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Sean said. “It’s more than we ever had before.”
Davy broke the long, reflective silence. “Maybe this is the door.”
Liv looked at him, puzzled. “What door?”
“We spent a year banging our heads against a wall. This is the door. It’s locked, and maybe there’s nothing behind it, but it’s a door.”
“So let’s dynamite that son of a bitch down,” Sean said.
“I recommend a more subtle approach,” Davy said dryly. “Miles is up in Endicott Falls already. We can have him ask around about—”
“No,” Sean broke in. “I don’t want Miles involved.”
Con grunted. “The kid’s got to get some experience. He’s bright, and hungry, and already in place. I think he’s even taken classes from that chemistry professor, what was the guy’s name? Beck?”
“No,” Sean said vehemently. “He can hack. That’s all. I do not want him seen asking questions. T-Rex would wipe Miles out.”
“Speaking of getting wiped out. We raided the gun safe in your condo and brought you a few pieces of your arsenal,” Connor said.
“That’s great news,” Sean said fervently. “Oh, yeah. Nick, could you run some prints on T-Rex’s Beretta?”
“Do I have yours for comparison somewhere?”
“Actually, it was Liv who got hold of his gun and emptied the clip. You’ll need her prints, too.”
The silence was broken by an appreciative snicker from Tam.
Davy cleared his throat, and gave Liv an appraising glance. “She does look a hell of a lot better than you, now that you mention it.”
“T-Rex looks pretty bad, too,” Sean said defensively.
“Bad enough so he would seek professional medical help?”
“No more so than us,” Sean replied. “Some stitches and he’ll be ready to rock. He got my blade in his ass, a bite on the wrist—”
“You bit a guy?” Con grimaced.
“Not me.” Sean jerked his chin at Liv. “Her. Stabbed him through the cheek with a rusty nail, too. I’m telling you, the chick is lethal.”
“Was this before or after she emptied the clip at him?” Nick asked.
“Before.” Sean grinned, proudly. “Don’t get on her bad side.”
“I missed,” Liv broke in. “By a mile. So it doesn’t count.”
“Bullshit,” Tam said briskly. “You just need the right gun.”
“What do you mean, no? Why not?” Miles realized that he was yelling into the phone. He shoved against the stained basement wall with his feet, sending the wheels of his desk chair bumping and rattling angrily across the concrete floor.
“No means no.” Con’s voice was steely. “Sean doesn’t want—”