Page 137 of Edge of Midnight
“I’m not a ch-china doll, Sean,” she forced out, voice shaking.
He paused. “That doesn’t mean you’re not breakable.”
The door closed. His footsteps faded down the stairs.
“Run it all by me one more time,” Sean said, tapping his fingers against the armrest console in a frantic staccato rhythm. “Pay attention. Don’t make me repeat myself like a fucking idiot,” Davy growled. “And stop the finger drumming thing. Drives me nuts.”
“He had a fight with his girlfriend,” Miles said laconically.
“He must have gone without sex for more than twelve hours,” Con said. “Didn’t she take Tam’s advice and show you her muff last night?”
Sean’s hand shot out, fastened over Con’s throat, bonking his brother’s head back against the car window, hard. “Ow! Jesus, Sean!”
“Talk about her like that, and I’ll break your bad leg. Again.”
Con blinked, wide eyed. “You’d do that to a pathetic crip who spent the night driving all over Seattle looking for Erin’s goofy sister?”
“Try me,” Sean said, pitiless.
He took his hand away, ignoring as his brothers whistled and exchanged glances. He rubbed his sore neck, stiff from a night on a cheap motel mattress, to say nothing of the bruises and contusions.
“Sorry,” Con said, sounding anything but. “It’s just a shock. You never minded me going off about your babe du jour before, so I—”
“She’s not my babe du jour. I don’t want to discuss my woman problems. I want to talk about this investigation. If you don’t mind.”
“Huh. You’re starting to sound like Dad. Humor-challenged.”
“Bite your tongue,” Sean said. “Tell me about Charles Parrish.”
Miles spoke up. “All I could find out last night was that he rose in the ranks of Flaxon Industries for a few years, then left and formed the Helix Group. Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, nanotechnology, what have you.”
“Corporate headquarters are in Olympia. We squeeze Beck, and then drive down there,” Davy said. “We have an appointment at noon.”
“An appointment?” Sean was startled. “You silver-tongued son of a bitch. Who are we today? Zillionaires with scads of money to invest?”
Davy grinned. “I’m the zillionaire. You guys are just henchmen. We have to pretty up after we go to Beck’s. I had Miles go to your condo and pick some pimp suits out of your closet for you guys.”
“Which reminds me,” Miles piped up. “Somebody’s been through your place. They took your hard drive.”
Davy swiveled back, glanced at him. “Did you have a password?”
“Uh…yeah,” Sean said.
Davy’s eyes narrowed at his tone. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. It was something stupid and obvious. Like Olivia, right?”
Sean didn’t answer, abashed. Miles answered for him. “Right.”
“Whatever. It’s the least of our worries right now,” Connor said.
“Speaking of worries, who’s guarding the ladies?” Sean asked.
“Seth’s on it,” Davy said. “He’s driving them all over Seattle today, and feeling very sorry for himself.”
“They should be up at Stone Island,” Sean said, scowling.
“Yeah, but Cindy’s run off, and Erin didn’t want to leave town without her,” Con said. “Plus, Margot had to drop off a big proposal, and Raine had a meeting with the board of directors for Lazar.”