Page 156 of Edge of Midnight
“How did he connect me to you? Ask yourself that! Those thugs attacked me! I have bruises!” Parrish’s voice cracked with outrage.
“I’m so sorry. I’m dealing with this little problem as we speak—”
“Thislittle problem? Is that what you call it?”
Osterman winced. “I know that it’s a serious breach of—”
“Your inappropriate methods of dealing with problems are what got us into this!” Parrish raged. “Every risk you take exposes Helix to bad publicity that could cost our shareholders hundreds of millions!”
“I understand, but in my own defense, I must remind you that—”
“You have no defense,” Parrish snarled. “What you have is a huge expense account. One or the other, Osterman. The next hint I get of any misconduct, we cut you loose. You take full responsibility for whatever mess you’ve created, and we will be shocked and sad.”
“Mr. Parrish, I—”
“I thought your organization was legitimate! I trusted you, Osterman! I allowed my own daughter to participate in the program! Now I find that the person I entrusted her to is a violent criminal?”
“Lies,” Osterman protested. “The McClouds have made me a scapegoat for their brother’s death, and they are trying to ruin my—”
“I don’t want to know the sordid details.”
The connection broke.
Osterman slammed the phone down. How dare Parrish speak to him like this? If Helix was worth billions, it was due to Osterman. The cutting edge treatments for paralysis, spinal cord and brain damage, the immensely profitable weapons applications, all of it was fruit of Osterman’s tremendous effort and sacrifice. He alone was strong enough to take the necessary ethical burdens upon his conscience, for the greater good of humanity. To create a legacy for future generations.
And the man hadscoldedhim!
So it gave Parrish the shivers that his precious daughter had participated in Osterman’s program? He remembered Edie. Thin, big wary eyes. Artistic. A psychic component that made her family nervous.
Oh, how he’d longed to see what an interface with Edie might yield. But she was Parrish’s baby girl. Her brain was off-limits.
Still, as it often happened, his fascination with Edie had launched a new avenue of research. He’d begun experimenting with artistically gifted geniuses, not just math and science types, which had widened the scope of test subjects nicely. The results were tantalizing, though not yet in shape to publish or patent. He’d found many talented Edie clones without rich fathers to protect them. In fact, the Edie experience had marked the beginning of his preference for working with girls.
And Gordon had been so happy about the girls. Keeping Gordon happy was a very important consideration. In fact, he was intrigued by the thought of playing with Cynthia, once Gordon finally reeled her in. She was quite gifted, if the online music reviews were to be trusted. He’d never tried an X-Cog interface with a musical talent before.
He had a vivid spontaneous fantasy, of putting the X-Cog crown onto Edie Parrish. Compelling her to kneel before him, open his pants and perform oral sex upon him, obedient and docile as a lamb.
While Charles Parrish watched, of course. Tied and gagged.
He had conducted similar experiments, although he usually compelled the subjects to service Gordon, not himself. Using the X-Cog master crown required concentration. Sexual pleasure was distracting. The few times he’d tried it, he’d found it more irritating than exciting.
But for Parrish, he would exert himself. Oh, indeed he would.
Cindy huddledin the plush marble bathroom stall, and punched in a text message to Miles. The Haven had proved to be a luxurious complex set way back on a wooded hill in a little town named Arcadia.
She pulled the beacon out of her pocket, followed the printed instructions to start transmission. It had a few days of juice.
No way could she keep up this charade for days, but hey. Nobody had asked her to do this. If they felt like it, they could come for her. If not, tough luck for her. They might be too busy hunting down all the other bad guys, and she didn’t blame them if they were.
And with that stern pep talk, she punched the beacon code into her SMS, and pushed send. She had no excuse, other than a nervous pee which produced about two drippy drops, not to go face Jared.
The common room was lined with books, couches and computers. Jared grinned when he saw her, and flagged down a handsome older guy in a flapping white lab coat who was striding across the room.
“Hey! Dr. O! Let me introduce you to—”
“Not now, Jared. I’m busy.”
“But it’s the new recruit I was telling you about,” Jared persisted. “You told me you wanted to meet her as soon as I brought her in!”