Page 24 of Edge of Midnight
Sean fidgeted on his chair. “She came on to me,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, don’t they always. I bet she had to tie you down.”
Sean tried to recollect the details. “Now that you mention it, she was pretty adventurous that way. She had a closet full of fun toys—”
“Zip it, you smartass punk. I’m not in the mood for your crap.”
“When are you ever? I don’t blame the woman. Hot, sexy thing, married to a nerd with dandruff in his eyebrows. I was just a squeeze-toy for her. And she was so good at squeezing my—”
“Shut your flapping face before I put my fist through it.”
Sean leaned his face in his hands. It was dumb, to goad Davy when he was all cranked up like this, but once he got on a roll, he couldn’t help himself. He was just wired that way. He got up and peered into the fridge, hoping he’d left a beer from a previous visit.
Oh, joy and rapture. He had. He twisted that sucker open and wandered over to the west window to drink it, leaving Davy to stew by himself at the table. Sunset had faded, mauve shading to smoky gray beneath the rectangle of cobalt. Beyond the meadow rippling in front of the house, the pine and fir forest looked dense and impenetrable.
It reminded him of when he was a kid, bedding down at night. Shivering at the dangers Dad said lurked out there. There was a real monster on the loose tonight. Thinking about Liv. His neck prickled, like a ghost had touched him.
Maybe one had.
Kev had helped him today. For some reason, that thought made him feel less alone. He knew better than to share it with Davy, though.
“I want to see the e-mails that stalker sent to Liv,” he said.
Davy laid his head on the table, and bonked his forehead heavily against the rough slabs of wood. “See? This is how it always begins.”
“He used the word ‘explosive’ in his note. That was what made me think of a bomb. I want to see the other letters. I want to feel their vibe.”
“You’re not a cop,” Davy said. “You’re not her bodyguard. Or her boyfriend. Wanting to bone her does not give you the right to stick your nose or any other protruding body part into that family’s problems.”
Sean took the final swallow, and tossed the bottle, sinking it into the trash basket. “You and Con got all over my ass this morning for being so self-serving and frivolous. I get interested in the welfare of somebody else, and you jump all over my ass again. I can’t please you guys. I might as well not try. But she needs twenty-four hour coverage, with a four man team, until they nail this guy. Her people are idiots.”
“So knock on the door of Endicott House,” Davy said. “Lay out your proposal. They’d have the cops on you the instant they laid eyes on you.”
Sean shrugged. “Who says they have to lay eyes on me?”
“I’m having a stress flashback.” Davy bonked his head on the table. “My brother has decided to break into the house of the richest guy in the county and seduce his sexpot daughter, under his nose.”
“I’m not going to seduce her,” Sean said crabbily. “I’d go through the front door and talk to her right in front of her mother if I could, but those people think I’m festering sewage sludge.”
“No. They think you’re dangerous, mentally unhinged festering sewage sludge,” Davy corrected. “If they catch you, your ass is grass.”
“Stop yapping at me and relax, for the love of God.”
Davy got up, kicked his chair out of the way and grabbed a bag that sat next to the kitchen table. He reached inside, and pulled out a strip of foil packets, tossing them on the table. “Here. Knock yourself out. And don’t end up in prison.”
Sean stared down at the condoms. “Hey. You’ve got the wrong idea. I don’t plan on fucking her. I just want to—”
“Plan? Of course not. You never plan. You lack the part of the human brain that governs planning.”
“I resent that remark,” Sean said. “I just don’t want Liv to get offed by this prick just because her parents have the brains of slugs.”
“Take them.” Davy’s voice grated. “I’m not asking you to be responsible, because that would be a contradiction in terms. I’m just asking you to face reality. I know you, Sean. If you sneak into that girl’s bedroom, you’ll end up fucking her. It’s a mathematical certainty.”
Sean stared at him, dismayed. “Chill, Davy. You’re scaring me.”
Davy’s grim expression did not change. “Put them in your pocket.”
Sean folded the condoms up and tucked them into his jeans. “Anything to calm you down,” he said. “See? It’s done. Better now?”