Page 96 of Edge of Midnight
She nodded. He almost wept with relief. “Tell me you want me,” he demanded. “Say the words. I need to hear them.”
She turned her face, and looked at him. Her eyes swam with tears. “I want you,” she said simply.
He grabbed the covers, wrenched them down over her body. The T-shirt had ridden up over her magnificent ass. He tugged it up over her head, tumbling her hair over her face, and tossed it away. “Roll over?”
She shook her head, and pressed her face down into the covers again. He stared down at her luscious, plump backside, his breath coming fast. Great. This position would do just fine.
He fumbled with the condom he’d slipped under his pillow, rolling it on with fingers that shook. Positioned himself behind her, stroking her satiny smooth ass cheeks, sliding his hand tenderly between her thighs. She parted her legs for him, tilting her ass up with a sigh as he teased her plump, shining pink pussy lips open. His bold caresses made her jerk and shiver as he spread hot lube all around, to ease his way.
They moaned when he slid his cock heavily into her tight, plush depths. He braced himself, and pumped, giving it to her nice and slow, but the rhythm quickened anyway. It was Liv who was pushing him, shoving back with her ass, wordlessly demanding it deeper, harder.
He gave it to her. He was helpless to do anything else.
“There’s nothing else like this,” he muttered. “There’s no one like you in the world, princess.”
She laughed at him, but the sound was punctuated by sobbing gasps with each heavy stroke. “Come on. In this position, I could be anyone for you. You could be Attila the Hun. I could be Cleopatra.”
That crack slid right under his guard and made him furious. He slid his arm around her neck, bending her head back. “It doesn’t matter what position you’re in. I know exactly who I’m fucking. I know the taste of your sweat. The taste of your lube. The smell of your hair. The exact curve of your ass, your waist, every bone of your spine. Every beauty mark. This one—” he kissed her shoulder blade, “and this one, and this group of three. I know the dimples over your ass—”
“OK, I’m convinced. Stop pulling my head back.”
Her voice was choked and shaking, but she didn’t seem upset. He eased off, but not much, sensing that the roughness excited her. He stirred his cock around. “You know me, too,” he said. “You wouldn’t mistake me for any other man you’ve ever been with. Would you?”
She tried to speak, failed. Shook her head.
“You like this position, don’t you? I can tell, from that fluttery thing your pussy does when I rub this spot with the head of my cock.”
“Sean…” She clutched handfuls of the sheet with shaking fists.
“It pulls me, like it’s begging me to stay. Begging me to massage all those sweet hot spots until you…oh.Yes.”
She convulsed. He rode her out, eyes squeezed shut as he savored every little clutching pulsing wave of it, and pulled her face around to his. “You don’t look like a china doll now,” he told her. “All damp and soft and sweet. That hot rose color drives me fucking crazy.”
“You’re already crazy.” The sound choked off into a whimper as he started moving again. He nuzzled her hair, breathing in hungry gulps of that hot, damp honeysuckle smell. Licking away the delicate salt tang between her shoulder blades.
He’d always been good at getting inside a girl’s mind, intuiting what she needed to get off. Since he was thirteen he’d been good at it. But it had never cut both ways. Petting her clit was like touching himself. Every stroke of his cock was a sweet lash of mutual pleasure.
He drove her to the edge, but he was right there with her, shivering on the verge of the abyss. She clutched his hands, begging with every movement of her body for him to bring her off.
“Roll over,” he said.
She stiffened, turning her head. “Why?”
“I want to kiss you,” he said. “I want to look into your eyes.”
She hesitated, but he pulled out of her hot, clutching sheath and flipped her over onto her back. He mounted again, and slid deep and hard into her slick depths, jarring a gasping sound from her throat.
“One more,” he said. “One more, and I’ll come with you.”
He pried her hands off her face and stretched them wide. It wasn’t a confinement, she just stretched voluptuously against the resistance. It opened her wider to him, her chest, her throat. Chest to chest, heart to heart. A dam breaking, a geyser bursting forth.
Pleasure thundered, splintered through their fused bodies.
There was barely enough of him left afterwards to deal with the condom and then crawl back between the damp, crumpled sheets.
He hugged her jealously tight. He was as exhausted as she, probably more, but all he could do was stare at the sooty fan of lashes against the blush rose stain on her cheek. Awed, at how beautiful she was. Terrified, that this incredible thing might go sour on him.
He could make some butthead mistake, let T-Rex through his guard, and lose her. And even if he killed T-Rex, he had no clue who held the fucker’s leash. There was an endless supply of thugs for hire.