Page 1 of Taken By the Mob
I glanced over the menu as I sat in the back office, tucked away from the customers and the staff as they worked. The sound of sizzling food and shouting reached my ears. They were in full force, cooking and serving up the finest dishes that you could find in the city.
The restaurant,Allora, is my greatest accomplishment. It’s also a convenient front for the family business. Being raised in the mob, it was a family effort to make the business work. Marco ran things more than I did, but I was the one who handled the majority of the money. Most of it was stashed away, but the rest I'd poured back into the restaurant.
I built it from nothing and now it was the toast of the town. The city itself, Greenwood, was small and calm, but I was going to change that. I knew how much tourist money poured into Florida every year and I wanted a piece of that for myself.
Allorawasn’t my only place, either. There were more of my restaurants that spread throughout the city and even a few outside of it. I was going to bring class and sophistication to the state and I was so damn close.
A knock rapped on the office door and Kevin stepped inside. He was the manager and the only one I trusted to look over the place when I wasn’t around. I was sure he had an idea of what I did on the side, but he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to Kevin was that I paid them on time and paid them well.
“What can I help you with, Kevin?”
"We have a new hire that just came on. She needs a uniform and to sign the last of her paperwork. I would usually do it myself, but three more tables just walked in and they're all VIPs."
I nodded. “ Sure, I’ll get her started.”
Kevin breathed a deep sigh of relief and looked more relaxed than he had before fidgeting in the doorway. “Good. I’ll send her right back.”
He ducked out of the door and I shook my head. Even if he was trusted, Kevin still showed that he was nervous being around me. The Rossi family had a reputation for being brutal, ruthless sharks and I wasn't an exception to that rule.
Another knock drew my attention to the door and I froze. In the doorway stood a curvy blonde with bright blue eyes. She smiled with soft lips and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The top she wore strained over a pair of luscious breasts that peeked out of the top. Everything about her was perfect.
“Can I help you?” I managed to finally say when my mouth worked again, but it came out sounding more like a growl.
The wide, ocean blue eyes went wider and she cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m uh Madilynn. I’m new,” she smiled and all the blood rushed right to my dick. “You can call me Madi, though. Kevin told me to come back to your office,” she paused and bit her lip. “I’m sorry, what was your name again?”
“Nico,” I said as I stood up and extended my hand toward her. “I’m the owner.”
Madi took my hand and shook it as she smiled. “Owner? I thought I’d just be meeting another manager. You have a beautiful place here,” she said as she tilted her head. “I’m excited to get started.”
“We’re happy to have you,” I said before I realized I still held her hand in mine. I didn’t want to let it go, it was so soft and feminine and warm, however, I finally released her and waved a hand at the chairs in front of my desk. "Have a seat. I have the paperwork that you need to fill out."
“Sure,” she smiled and slipped her purse off of her shoulder before she sat down. “Do I get to work today?”
“Yes, I’ll get you a uniform after you fill these out for me.”
Madi lit up. “Great!” She beamed and quickly took the pen from my hand, but her fingers brushed against my skin before she started to fill in the sheet in front of her.
My eyes never left her. Her face was heart-shaped and her lips so full I wanted to feel them pressed against mine and wrapped around me. Everything about her was enough to make me want to clear the desk and fuck her into oblivion on top of it. I’d never wanted to be with anyone, in my eyes, it was a waste of time, but Madi changed my mind about all of that.
"I had a minute free and I found some uniforms," Kevin said as he walked into the office and sat the box on the edge of the desk. "What size are you, Madilynn?"
Right away, I noticed the way his eyes wandered over her body. They ran all over her curves and drank in the expanse of her creamy breasts. I jumped up and snatched the box away from Kevin. He looked startled and wheeled back before he raised a brow in confusion.
"Last time I checked, I don't pay you to ogle women. I pay your ass to make sure my dining room is running smoothly. Didn't you say we have VIP's here?" I growled.
"Yes, sir," he stuttered nervously. "I just wanted to give her the--"
"We're fine now. Leave," I hissed as my eyes narrowed.
Kevin got the hint and disappeared out of my office at record speed. Once the door was closed behind him, I glanced at Madilynn and she looked up at me with wide eyes.She's already making me a little crazy.
"One of these should fit you," I said, as I pulled the box open and handed her unopened packages of the black shirts and pants that were required for the wait staff to wear. "You should change," I grunted, as I passed them to her. "You need to cover up if you're going to be working here."
"Oh," she said as she glanced down at her chest. "Is this too revealing?"